Air Pollution: ULEZ and What You Do – Witgift School, Alvaro Rodriguez

Air pollution is a big problem as it is one of the major contributors to global warming. The atmosphere is polluted by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. For example, carbon monoxide in the air can combine with hemoglobin and cause carbon monoxide poisoning. But the most prominent problem in London is road vehicles, which emit nitrogen oxides and small particles of rubber and metal.

The government is helping tackle air pollution through ULEZ, introduced by the Mayor of London in 2019. Meets t emission standards. If the vehicle does not meet her ULEZ emission standards, he will have to pay a fee of £12.50 per day to drive within the zone. In 2016, central London roadside nitrogen dioxide levels averaged 91 micrograms per cubic meter, but in 2019 he dropped to 61 micrograms per cubic meter. 2019 was the same year ULEZ was introduced, so this 33% reduction is no coincidence. For this reason, just a few months ago, the expansion of his ULEZ was announced, which will take effect from 29 August 2023. Ultimately it’s good for the environment and our health as it reduces greenhouse gas emissions and allows the UK to step up. By 2030, we are closer to meeting EU restrictions and WHO health-based guidelines.

You can say no to air pollution by making a ‘go green’ effort so you and everyone around you can breathe clean, fresh air. By saving and using less, you also protect the environment from air pollution. By using energy more efficiently, we can reduce the amount of fuel needed to generate the electricity we use on a daily basis. This means that less fossil fuels have to be burned. This means less greenhouse gases are produced, which pollutes the air.

All in all, by reducing our daily energy use, we are working with the government to fight air pollution so that London’s air is safer and cleaner for everyone.

References and Citations

Statista – Average annual nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emission levels for London from 2016 to 2019 by zone and site type–alvaro-rodriguez-whitgift-school/?ref=rss Air Pollution: ULEZ and What You Do – Witgift School, Alvaro Rodriguez

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