BBC executives in crisis talks over host scandal: Pretty Patel calls investigation ‘ridiculous’

BBC Panicked by allegations that a megastar paid a vulnerable teenager £35,000 for sexual images, executives said last night the crisis came amid growing doubts over a ‘cynical’ investigation. consulted.

The presenter has not been named, but is said to be a prominent figure. The suspect allegedly began paying the boy when he was 17, sending money to fund his addiction treatment. for cracking cocaine.

This silly speculation was prompted by a newspaper report that the young man’s family had gone. Filed a complaint about the behavior of “household name” Seven weeks ago he was unhappy with the BBC’s response.

Last night, the former Home Secretary Pretty Patel He criticized the broadcaster’s handling of the complaint as “cynical.”

of sries scandal pressure will build BBC Executive Director Tim Davey will address the press at the company’s annual report on Tuesday.

BBC executives in crisis talks over host scandal: Pretty Patel calls investigation ‘ridiculous’

It is reported that the presenter, who is the central figure in the investigation, has been dropped.

Last night, former Home Secretary Priti Patel (pictured) called the broadcaster’s handling of the complaint “cynical.”

The sordid scandal will add to the pressure on BBC director Tim Davey (pictured), who is due to address the press in the BBC’s annual report on Tuesday.

And as panicked executives held crisis-management meetings, some hosts, including “Match of the Day” host Gary Lineker and Radio 2’s Jeremy Vine, raised the allegations. I felt compelled to publicly distance myself from

The mother apparently realized that the alleged payments were funding the now-20-year-old’s “spiraling” drug habit. She is said to have “begged” the BBC’s chiefs to “stop sending cash” to the star.

She told The Sun that she “feels sick” whenever she sees the man on TV.

Last night, the company declined to confirm what actions, if any, it took or whether it had confronted the presenter.

However, although Starr has not been suspended, there are currently no plans to air the show.

The scandal comes as the company faces new funding challenges as a Conservative minister develops plans to cut licensing fees in real terms.

Ms Patel said the BBC “must provide victims and their families with a full and transparent investigation”.

He added: “The BBC, funded by license payers, has become a faceless and accountable organisation.”

Fellow Conservative MP Paul Bristow said: “What is being proposed is incredibly serious.” The BBC must be completely transparent about how it will deal with this complaint. There is no “if” or “but”. They need to let the paying public know what they are doing and what they are going to do. ”

BBC officials are trying to avoid accusations of inaction directed at ITV executives over their handling of the Philip Schofield scandal. Company officials said they were aware that some stars were falsely tied to the allegations, but only said they were “fully aware of this and will address it internally.” stopped.

The BBC has yet to say whether it has considered or provided evidence from the alleged victim’s family.

Even Katie Lazar, the station’s cultural editor, said many questions remained open, including whether it was appropriate for the host to remain on air. She also warned that if the allegations were proven, it would likely mean the end of the BBC’s prominent figure’s career.

BBC News entertainment correspondent Rizzo Mzimba said yesterday that the anonymous presenter will not be appearing on air in the near future.

He told the BBC News channel: “At this time we are aware that presenters are not scheduled to be broadcast in the near future.”

Some presenters, including “Match of the Day” host Gary Lineker (pictured), have been forced to distance themselves from the allegations as panicked executives hold crisis-management meetings. Felt.

Jeremy Vine (pictured) also distanced himself from the allegations yesterday

Rylan Clarke has also taken to social media to clear his name after reports that the BBC’s top star paid a vulnerable teenager £35,000 for sexual photos.

The alleged victim’s mother told The Sun newspaper: “I blame this BBC man for ruining my child’s life by taking away my child’s innocence and paying for crack cocaine that could kill my child… It makes me sick every time I see it.”

The slanderous messages allegedly started in 2020 when the boy was 17 years old. According to his family, the BBC host never hid his identity and even sent pictures of himself at work. The victim’s alleged mother claimed the child showed an online bank statement containing numerous deposits from the presenter. It’s not clear if the BBC saw the same statement.

“I don’t want to disappoint people I don’t like, but that’s not me,” Lineker said yesterday amidst a flurry of speculation on social media. Host Rylan Clarke tweeted, “I don’t know why my name is flying around but it’s about that story in the sun. That’s not me baby.”

And Jeremy Vine said, “I can tell you that I’m very much looking forward to hosting the radio show on Monday, but whoever the ‘BBC presenter’ of the news is, I’m the same as Rylan said earlier. I will pass on your message. It’s certainly not wrong. “Is me.”

Radio 5 Live host Nicky Campbell said yesterday that he reported a social media user who falsely accused him of being a central figure in the story.

The troll posted a photo of Mr Campbell on Twitter with the caption, “This is a BBC host who paid a teenager for sexually explicit photos.” Starr then showed a response from the Metropolitan Police Department, confirming that they had contacted the police about the crime. Mr Campbell writes: “I think it’s important to take a stand. Too many people like this on social media. Thank you friends for your support.”

A source close to another accused star said the false slurs on social media were “deeply disturbing” for both “talent and the BBC”.

Criticism also erupted on social media, with one user writing, “Child’s parents contacted me with evidence in May!” I’ve done a lot of workplace surveys in the past, and they definitely don’t take months. ”

In a statement, the BBC said it was taking any allegations “very seriously” but appeared to suggest that the lack of response from the family may have hampered an initial investigation.

The star asked the now-20-year-old to “act”, and the person is said to have told his mother, “I’ll do my best then.”

The presenter is alleged to have transferred hundreds, even thousands of pounds at a time, and once deposited £5,000 into the teenage boy’s bank account.

A shocked mother said, “Every time I see him on TV, I feel sick.”

“I condemn this BBC man for ruining my child’s life – depriving my child of innocence and paying for crack cocaine that could kill my child. .”

Radio 5 Live host Nicky Campbell (pictured) said yesterday that he reported a social media user for unfairly accusing him of being the head of the news.

Two months ago, a family filed a formal complaint with the BBC, begging the boss to stop treating the now 20-year-old.

“The money was in exchange for sexually explicit photos of my child,” she continued.

Explicit messaging is said to have started in 2020. According to his family, the star didn’t hide his identity and even sent pictures while he was at work.

Her mother told The Sun that her child went from “a happy young man to a ghostly crack addiction” in just three years.

A BBC spokesperson said of the allegations: “We take any allegations very seriously and have processes in place to proactively address them.”

As part of that, when we receive information that requires further investigation or consideration, we will take steps to do so. This includes actively trying to speak to those who have contacted us for further details and understanding of the situation.

“If we don’t get a response or further contact with our attempts, which may limit our ability to move things forward, it means our inquiries stop. It is not intended to

“At any point in time, if new information comes to light or is made available through the newspaper, it will be dealt with appropriately according to our internal processes. BBC executives in crisis talks over host scandal: Pretty Patel calls investigation ‘ridiculous’

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