Budweiser releases patriotic new ad featuring Clydesdale and American landmarks

Budweiser released a patriotic new ad featuring the iconic Clydesdale horse just two weeks later. Dylan Mulvaney‘s deal with Bud Light caused a huge backlash, but the public hasn’t bitten one bit.

A one-minute spot, released on social media on Friday, saw the iconic Clydesdales gallop across a vast open field to the Lincoln Memorial and new york city skyline.

A low-voiced narrator says that Budweiser is “a story bigger than beer” and a horse gallops across the screen.

“This is the story of the American spirit,” he says.

This beer ad, like Bud Light, is owned by Anheuser-Busch and appears to be a cornerstone in returning to the traditional values ​​of the brand, which historically appealed to blue-collar American workers.

This is very different from Bud Light’s disastrous partnership with trans-influencer Mulvaney.

Online, however, users denounced the ad as a pathetic attempt to right a ship that had been permanently misdirected by its partnership with Mulvaney.

Budweiser releases patriotic new ad featuring Clydesdale and American landmarks

The iconic Clydesdale is shown galloping through an iconic American setting

“My favorite ad was Clydesdales after 9/11. I will never buy, drink or serve your beer again.” wrote 1 user.

“Are horses in trance now?” wrote radio host Dan O’Donnell.

“No, you guys had to wake up and destroyed my base and marketplace. I will never drink your product again.” Book by Brandon Saario.

“Laughs, hard pivot right?” Written by Angela McArdlechairman of the Liberal Party.

Commentator Philip Holloway wrote: The train has sailed and the ship has left the station. ”

One shot shows two people holding the American flag and one with his hand over his heart.

As the flag is raised, the narrator says:

In another shot, the ad shows the downtown New York skyline with Freedom Tower standing in place of the World Trade Center. At that moment, the narrator utters the word “I remember”.

Not everyone appreciated the reference. Brandon Morse, senior editor at Red State, responded: of insult.

Budweiser Clydesdales have been featured in Budweiser Super Bowl ads for over 30 years.

Targeted ads arrive as Anheuser-Busch continues to deal with controversy over Bud Light partnership.

Bud Light and Budweiser are different brands from the same parent company. In the new ad, the latter, often referred to as the king of beer, appears to be stepping in to protect Bud Light’s reputation.

In her controversial ad, Mulvaney posted a clip of herself sipping a one-off custom Bud Light can with her face to promote the March Madness competition. day to day.

Mulvaney rose to fame with her “Girlhood Days” video, which documented the first year a 26-year-old girl was recognized as a girl.

But the 26-year-old TikTok star claims she’s “acting” to be a “girl” and finds her interesting without addressing the misogyny and prejudice that many women face. It has angered some feminists and conservatives by claiming it employs some women.

Even Budweiser Clydesdales has not escaped backlash over its partnership, as the Missouri distributor of Budweiser canceled all scheduled events to show off its giant horses due to safety concerns.

Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth issued a lackluster apology on Friday.

“We never intended to be part of an argument that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer,” Whitworth said in a statement.

In a statement after the initial blow, the company tried to calm conservative consumers with its statement.

“Anheuser-Busch is working with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to reliably connect with audiences across demographics and passion points.

“Occasionally, we produce unique commemorative tins for fans and brand influencers like Dylan Mulvaney.

“This commemorative can is a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not sold to the general public.”

Their doubling only enraged the irate customers even more.

Onlookers have criticized the operation as a shameless publicity robbery amid the recent trend for companies to “wake up” to improve their bottom line.

Anheuser-Busch defended Dylan Mulvaney for gifting her personal tin, saying, “Sometimes we make unique commemorative tins for fans and influencers of brands like Mulvaney. Commemorative cans are gifts to celebrate personal milestones and are not for sale.

In early April, Mulvaney announced a new partnership with the brand by sharing a video of herself sipping a can of Bud Light in her bathtub.

The company has been hit by a barrage of complaints, with many customers filming themselves pouring liquids

Bud Light’s vice president of marketing, Alyssa Heinerscheid, previously stoke the flames of controversy by saying she was obligated to update the brand’s “flatty” and “out-of-the-box” image.

“I’m a businessman. When I took over Bud Light, I had a definite job. It was, ‘This brand is in decline. It’s been in decline for a really long time. Come drink this brand.’ We must attract young drinkers who will Bud Light has no future,” she said in the heavily criticized video.

“It seems that this incredibly iconic brand needs to evolve and elevate,” she added.

“What do you mean by evolution and sublimation? It means inclusivity. It means changing the tone. To do.

“It appeals to both women and men,” she concluded in an interview on March 30.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11978995/Budweiser-releases-patriotic-new-ad-featuring-Clydesdales-American-landmarks.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Budweiser releases patriotic new ad featuring Clydesdale and American landmarks

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