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One of six dead kittens dumped in a box at Fryent Park

On April 1st, an abandoned kitten was found in the middle of Fryent Country Park.

The disastrous finders noted that two dogs appeared to be interested in a box that appeared to move in the parking lot area.

When they investigated, they found six tiny kittens “in a state of neglect”, one already dead.

Another woman, also at the park, took the five surviving cats to Kensal Green’s animal welfare charity Mayhew, where they cleaned and fed them.

This Is Local London: Two kittens rescuedtwo rescued kittens (Image: Mayhew)

One of the kittens was said to be showing symptoms of shock and was being closely monitored.

Mayhew now shares an “urgent” appeal for animal adoption.

Three of the kittens are said to be four weeks old and the other two are about three to four months old.

This Is Local London: Another kitten rescuedanother kitten rescued (Image: Mayhew)

They were named Elvis, Ed Sheeran, Rihanna, Paloma and Faith by the staff.

Georgina Costi, President of Cattery Mayhew, said:

“We encourage pet owners who may be struggling to care for or care for their pets to reach out to animal charities and seek advice and support from their local veterinarians and community centers.”

For more information on how to foster a kitten in Mayhew’s care, please visit: https://themayhew.org/foster-carers-needed/

https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23513141.dead-kitten-among-six-found-dumped-box-fryent-park/?ref=rss One of six dead kittens dumped in a box at Fryent Park

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