If you see a missing woman in Lewisham, call 999

Samantha is missing from home.

She is reported to be at high risk of missing persons.

Shannon is described as being 5ft 2 long with long brown hair.

She was last seen in a black cotton jacket, blue jeans and white sneakers.

If found, call police at 999 and cite reference number 23MIS003885.

Lewisham Police said: “Please be aware of Samantha, who has been reported as a high-risk missing person.

“She is described as having long brown hair, 5ft 2, and wearing a black cotton jacket, blue jeans and white sneakers.

“If found, call 999 and give 23MIS003885.”

https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23300205.call-999-see-missing-woman-lewisham/?ref=rss If you see a missing woman in Lewisham, call 999

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