A scammer who extorted more than £100 million from his victims was yesterday sentenced to 13 years in prison.
Teejay Fletcher, 35, was the brains behind iSpoof, a website that provides scammers with caller IDs from trusted organizations such as banks.
They then used it to obtain PINs and financial details from victims. empty account.
In the UK alone, 200,000 lost £43m.
Fletcher earned at least £2 million I strayed from the plan and splurged on two Range Rovers, one Lamborghini and one Rolex.
He was arrested after one of the largest fraud investigations in British history. Police station.
“This was an industrial fraud aimed at exploitation,” prosecutor John Odjakovo told the Southwark Court.
Fletcher, who lives in Docklands, east London, pleaded guilty to fraud and was sentenced to 13 years and 4 months in prison.
KC Judge Sally Cahill said it was “a harrowing experience for the victims.”
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22420523/tejay-fletcher-ispoof-fraudster-millions-jailed-13-years/ Prolific scammer who swindled victims out of £100 million sentenced to 13 years in prison