Why Is CBD Oil Administered Under The Tongue?

CBD oil is one of the most popular forms of CBD in the skincare industry. It’s highly rated and poses many benefits to customers. CBD oil is usually applied to the skin, being able to target conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Another way that CBD oil can be administered is by putting drops of it under your tongue. This may seem strange to some people but it is actually a really good way of consuming CBD. 

It is sort of similar to CBD gummies which is another CBD best seller. You can buy high strength CBD gummies online.

In this article we will look at why CBD oil is applied under the tongue and what benefit this has.

Why Take Under The Tongue?

CBD oil can be taken under the tongue because it can be absorbed into the bloodstream that way. This happens via the sublingual membrane. By exposing CBD to the bloodstream, it will allow you to experience the benefits in full effect. These benefits will take effect both physically and mentally. This is actually claimed to be one of the best methods to take CBD.

How To Take It

The process of consuming CBD is simple. Here is our quick and easy guide that you can follow:

  1. Lift your tongue and apply drops of CBD oil under your tongue.
  2. Hold the CBD oil there for at least 60 seconds, allowing as much of the oil to be absorbed as possible.
  3. Most of the oil will be absorbed, however if there is some remaining, you can actually swallow it.

Benefits of CBD

The reason why this method of taking CBD is so effective is because of how quick it works. It gets consumed into your bloodstream extremely fast and therefore you will feel the benefit a lot quicker.

CBD can help physically. It eases the aches and pains of muscles as well as targeting common skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. If you suffer from acne on your face, you may also want to buy CBD protective face cream by Loxa Beauty from the official store here.

If you want to look at what other skincare goods you can buy that contain CBD, you can buy CBD products at

A lot of the products you see on these websites have also been heavily recommended by our CBD expert Dr. Laura Geigaite from Loxa Beauty.

How Does It Taste?

We will be completely honest with you, the taste isn’t great. It has often been described as a bitter flavour that can be quite intense. The reason for this is the highly concentrated oils that are used in the product, derived from the cannabis plant. Although the taste isn’t good, the after effects are. If you are really struggling with the taste, afterwards you can always wash it down with some water. Please ensure you choose a good quality CBD oil because the worse the quality, the worse the taste.


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