Home Entertainment A tendency is spreading in the UK: The older generation is gambling...

A tendency is spreading in the UK: The older generation is gambling online


One of the lesser represented groups in the field of gambling has turned to online casinos during the lockdown – the elderly. The pandemic has initiated a rise in the number of older people using online casinos.

A tendency is on the rise in the UK – that the elderly are increasingly engaging in online gambling. It makes sense that people have searched for entertainment elsewhere. And especially the elderly who have had more concerns regarding seeing other people because of their fragility. They needed to find online entertainment to make the time pass and probably to feel less alone.

A rising number of older online gamblers

According to a survey followed out by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, an add-on of 624.377 people over the age of 65 went online to gamble during the lockdown, and some even engaged in online gambling more than once a month. The numbers speak for themselves as a percentage of people over the age of 65 joining in on online gambling services rose from 8,7% in 2019 to 13,5% in 2021. And the pandemic brought an increase in the 45–54-year-olds gambling habits as well with a rise of 341.445 people.

The years dominated by lockdown and isolation are no doubt an important factor in these calculations. It is hard not to connect these figures to the pandemic and the lockdown, which is also what the professor connected to these studies points to. This rise coincides with a general rise of online gamblers during the pandemic; however, another group presented a fall of gamblers.

Explore the tendency
If you get curious about exploring what has been attractive to a big part of the English population, you can easily explore the possibilities to gamble online. If you want to spare money to make sure you don’t lose it, you should find a great bonus to get a try-out with no financial consequence. To find the best bonuses available in the UK, you can use https://www.casinohawks.com/bonuses.

Here you will be able to pick and choose between different bonuses, which can grant you a great start with fewer risks. If you feel like a novice, you can use the guides offered. This way you will get the best possible entry. And naturally, the casino sites presented are reliable and recommended. Nonetheless, you should not gamble with money you don’t have. If you want to delve further into the topic of ‘gambling’, you can read more here: https://londonnewstime.com/?s=casino.

Fewer young people gamble

The younger population on the other hand gambled less during the pandemic. The group containing people of the ages 16-34 years fell with an almost as significant number as the other groups rose as the amount fell with 307.000. This is striking considering the general activity of gambling rose, and this group might be the only one in decline. The younger citizens might have felt the world more accessible as they have still been engaged in work and studies even though it has been online.