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Prepaid Meter Households Reminded to Obtain Energy Support Coupons by Deadline

household Those using traditional prepaid meters have been asked not to miss the £400 worth of assistance on their bills by 30 June, with £130m still claimable .

“Energy Voucher Claim Date” is the final push to encourage remaining households to claim their vouchers before the program ends in less than a month.

All households were covered by the Government Energy Tariff Assistance Scheme and paid £400 in six installments of £66 or £67 over the winter.

But prepaid customers (often the most vulnerable) have been paid with vouchers, leaving millions of dollars unclaimed.

If you haven’t received your voucher yet, please do so before the June 30th deadline. Also, if you have friends or family who may not be using the voucher, please spread the information.

Adam Scorer, National Energy Action

Some customers did not receive them, while others had trouble redeeming them.

Customers must go to a post office or PayPoint with their Energy Bills Support voucher and ID before June 30th.

Lost, misplaced or expired vouchers can be reissued as long as they are redeemed by June 30th.

If you used a traditional prepaid meter and did not receive a voucher, do not know how to redeem it, or need a voucher reissued, please contact the supplier.

The latest figures show that the number of vouchers cashed has hit a record high of 83% and users of prepaid meters have so far claimed nearly £650m under the scheme.

For the sixth straight month, according to figures released earlier this month London had the lowest redemption rate, with more than 650,000 coupons still unused at the end of March.

Approximately 25% of both vouchers Scotland and southeast England has not yet been charged.

Energy Minister Amanda Soloway said: “We have made great strides in delivering around £650m from our energy rate support scheme to prepaid meter customers, often the households who need it most.

Whatever the reason, we want to reassure people that if they haven’t claimed their vouchers yet, they still have time to do so.

Matthew Cole, Fuel Bank Foundation

“Today, we are doubling down on our efforts to reach out to those who have not yet applied for this assistance. It’s great to see them participating.”

“Tell your friends, family or anyone on the traditional prepaid meter to use the voucher to save up to £400 off your bill before 30th June. We still have £130m to claim. We have a million pounds.”

National Energy Action Chief Executive Adam Schorer said: “For those who have not yet claimed their vouchers, we strongly encourage them to do so before the June 30th deadline. Also, if you have friends or family members who may not have used their vouchers, please share that information with them. Please spread the word.”

“It may be because of your support that we are able to keep the lights on, the oven cooking, and the hot showers running all summer long. It’s money.”

Matthew Cole, president of the Fuel Bank Foundation, a national charity that provides emergency fuel coupons to prepaid meter customers, said, “Hundreds of thousands of people using traditional prepaid meters will benefit from this vital financial assistance. I am very worried that I will miss it,” he said. .

“As part of our own campaign on this issue, other reasons for non-redemption of vouchers include incorrect details, the person moving and not updating their records, or missing vouchers. We have found that you have not received or have deleted the voucher.

“But for whatever reason, we want people to be reassured that if they haven’t claimed their vouchers yet, they still have time to do so.”

Households using alternative fuels such as LPG, kerosene or biomass as their primary means of heating and using prepaid meters will also have to use coupons worth up to £200 for utility subsidies by 30 June .

You will receive these vouchers by mail from the supplier and should contact the supplier with any questions.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/households-england-scotland-london-b2348557.html Prepaid Meter Households Reminded to Obtain Energy Support Coupons by Deadline

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