Home Entertainment The Benefits of Social Media to Businesses

The Benefits of Social Media to Businesses


There are hundreds of benefits to using social media for your business, 4.62 Billion people use social media with an average of 424 Million more joining every 12 months and using social media for an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes everyday.

This is a lot of time for you to position yourself correctly on their feed. We are going to outline the benefits to the main social media.


With your online presence being more and more important as consumers’ interest in mobile and social media shopping (Facebook Marketplace) grows, Facebook is most likely your best opportunity to get in front of customers near you.

Facebook receives over 2.9 Billion searches every month, this is according to statista, compared to 955 Million 10 years ago and going up year on year, no other social media will be able to offer you that level of potential exposure to your target audience.

With Facebook being the largest and very first social network to achieve mainstream success, they offer most integration tools compared to other social medias, and since the launch of Meta (Introduced in 2021) which offers many helpful business tools, the potential for you is enormous.

It’s also a backlink straight back to your website with your website URL linked to your Facebook business page.


After Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, purchased Instagram back in 2012 for 1 Billion Dollars, the platform has gone from strength to strength. It has become one of the most successful social media platforms and most used, it has become incredibly popular amongst millennials, who are the next big buyers for any business.

Instagram helps you increase brand awareness, it is a low-cost and highly effective means to increase your brand awareness due to its massive database. As an added bonus, the picture centric nature of Instagram helps create familiarity with your brand’s presence on the mind of customers or prospects.

It does require a lot of time and effort to build an audience to increase brand awareness.

It also has a massive benefit for your website! Approximately 80% of businesses marketing through Instagram have reported an increase in website traffic, which is fantastic for SEO.

If you’re unsure how to manage your social media or grow your website through SEO, you can outsource this to an agency, and from the masses, there is Clicks Studio, a specialist SEO Agency in Essex here to serve and help you grow.


LinkedIn is a highly professional network, having a LinkedIn page helps you network with business decision makers directly, but it also establishes your public image on a global scale as a reputable and trustworthy business.

LinkedIn is heavily viewed as a social network for job hunters and growing your professional network, but, LinkedIn is an equally effective tool for generating new business leads and nurturing referral relationships.

One of the main reasons to use LinkedIn as a business is to create shareable content that benefits your audience, by producing content that your viewers want to to see and share with others, your viewers become engaged readers of your company and through sharing, expand your global reach and influence.

You can share content through different forms, such as; Blog Posts, Infographics, Webinars, Podcasts and Videos that suit the viewing preference of your audience.


As a business, you’re always thinking of ways to get your name out there, YouTube is a highly cost effective solution, if used regularly as part of your marketing strategy.

There are over 4 billion videos viewed daily on Youtube, if used correctly, you can reach your target audience by creating engaging videos and advertising on other peoples videos.

It also massively benefits finding you in Google searches, you, yourself may have noticed that more and more videos are appearing in search queries on Google. This indicated that Google considers video to be as important as text-only pages.

You can take advantage of this by writing high quality blog posts on your website and following this up with a 10 minute video on YouTube going over the topic. Doing this will build backlinks to your website, this is a heavy driver in SEO and being found on Google, Clicks Studio can assist with this process.


And finally, we move onto the youngest of the social platforms, TikTok, launched in 2016, has gone on to be one of the biggest social platforms with over 1 Billion active users, fast catching up to Instagram.

With the predominant users being aged 16 to 24 years old, these are the next consumers for any business, so grabbing their attention is important.

TikTok has a centralised platform for businesses, especially for advertisers and marketers. With an e-learning centre where businesses can learn how to create specific ads to reach their target audience, set budgets as well as analyse campaign data and understand it, you are guaranteed to be able to gain a working knowledge of how to use the platform to your advantage.

And once again, this helps you gain website visitors and optimally, increase conversions due to this.

TikTok even has an option to design a banded challenge and invite popular content creators to participate in. If this goes viral, this will generate you even more publicity and exposure for your business.

In conclusion

There are many reasons to use social media, but none more than for brand exposure, using social medias actively and regularly will only help increase your overall audience which in return, will grow your website visitors.