Home Business 6 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Significantly Reduce Stress

6 Simple Lifestyle Changes to Significantly Reduce Stress


A woman relaxing at the end of a long day. / Pexels

Our busy schedules don’t give us time to relax—balancing work, family, a social life, and hobbies seems more and more impossible each year. It’s no wonder we’re so stressed!

However, stress has many negative health impacts. Finding peace amidst the chaos is essential to live a long and healthy life. This article discusses the top lifestyle changes to relieve stress so you can finally relax.

Negative Impacts of Stress

Chronic stress causes many negative, long-term issues, such as:

  • Depression
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches

These problems make you more stressed, causing a negative loop that becomes harder to break out of the longer you let it continue. Thankfully, to avoid the adverse effects of stress, you can make a few lifestyle changes and see an incredible difference.

1. Regular Physical Activity

Exercise helps regulate nearly every process in your body, relieves stress, and makes you happier. It also makes you stronger and more able to do everyday activities. You’ll be able to conquer anything with enhanced stamina and a better mood!

Many people skip this lifestyle change because of the hassle of scheduling a workout into a busy day or commuting to the gym. However, you don’t need a fancy gym membership or expensive equipment to stay active! Something as easy as a walk around your neighbourhood will positively affect your overall well-being.

2. Balanced Diet

A healthy diet is vital to feeling less stressed. It boosts your immune system and helps your body recover from day-to-day life. It also gives you the energy to deal with stressful situations more effectively.

A balanced diet includes fruit, vegetables, high-fibre, dairy, protein, and plenty of fluids. Some also believe that food high in omega-3 fats and vegetables may help lower the damaging chemicals in your body that result from chronic stress.

Eating a balanced diet isn’t easy, especially when you’re busy. A way around this is meal prepping, which involves preparing meals ahead of your busy days so that all you have to do is heat them up and enjoy.

3. Take Time for Yourself

At the end of busy days, you should take time to disconnect and unwind. There are many ways you can relax before bed. Many people enjoy taking a long bath and spending extra time on self-care. Others prefer gentle physical activity such as yoga. Or, you can catch up on your favourite TV show.

If you find your mind racing with stressful thoughts even when you try to distance yourself from them, you can try natural remedies like chamomile tea, melatonin, or THCa for sale. These methods can help you unwind, especially on nights when forgetting about the day’s stress seems completely impossible.

4. Social Connection

Spending time with friends and family is another essential component of relieving stress. Having fun with others increases the amount of a hormone called oxytocin that your body releases, which naturally decreases your anxiety levels and calms your nervous system. This will make you less stressed at the moment and after as well!

Make it a priority to schedule time to see those you are close with in your daily life. Even just a phone call or a quick lunch can make a big difference!

5. Engaging in Hobbies

Hobbies are one of the best ways to relax after a long day. The perfect hobby is an activity that engages you enough to keep your mind from wandering. This level of focus can relieve stress. Great hobbies include:


  • Drawing and painting
  • Fixing something, like cars
  • Learning an instrument
  • Knitting and crocheting
  • Gardening

Ideally, your hobby should not involve screens and technology!

6. Disconnect from Technology

Whether or not you notice immediately, technology can make you more anxious. The constant dopamine you receive from scrolling your favourite social media platforms can be addicting, and the things you see can cause significant anxiety about the world around you.

To stop making yourself more stressed, you should disconnect from technology as much as possible. This doesn’t mean giving up your favourite sites altogether—it just means scheduling times when it’s okay to use technology and times when it’s not. Overall, this can also have many other benefits, such as increasing focus and productivity.

It’s essential to step away from screens at least an hour before bed. This helps your body wind down and get ready for a relaxing night.


Chronic stress comes with the risk of health problems and a poor sense of well-being. The lifestyle changes in this article serve as a starting point for reducing your stress levels. Try them all and see which resonates the most with you, then enjoy a more stress-free life!