Home Education 7 Ways DBA Students Can Achieve a Healthy Work-Life-Study Balance

7 Ways DBA Students Can Achieve a Healthy Work-Life-Study Balance


Thousands of people across the UK study for a DBA (Doctor of Business Administration) every year. The benefits of doing so are endless. For one, a DBA provides students with invaluable skills and lessons in business. Secondly, graduates who master these advanced techniques and skills will stand out from other candidates and have an easier time securing higher-paid positions. If you’re in full-time employment, finding the right balance between work, studying, and having a social life can be challenging. To help you juggle all three, here are some things you can do before and during your DBA degree.

Schedule Your Time Wisely

Whether you’ve just started your DBA degree or you’re already flying through the modules, now is the time to get organised. Scheduling your time wisely will help you fit your learning, work duties, and social life around one another. A large part of achieving this is through self-discipline. You will need to learn to say no to certain things. For instance, if a friend has called up and wants to do something but you’ve allocated time to study, you need to do your best not to give into temptation.

One of the best ways to get organised is by using a calendar. Without one, you may feel like you can never concentrate on one thing at a time. Make sure you note down your work hours and any commitments outside the office, but to also factor in plenty of time for studying. As you learn the importance of time management, these skills will help you going forward in business.

Learn to Prioritise

When you’ve taken on a degree, you need to be realistic with what you can do and achieve. You’re not superhuman, so you won’t have all the time in the world to do everything. This means you need to lay down some rules and stick to them. If you have exams and coursework deadlines, it’s down to you to adhere to them. The last thing you want is to fall behind as you may struggle to catch up.There will be some tasks that are more important than others. For instance, your work shift should always be the main priority, but allow yourself plenty of time to do coursework. You don’t want to leave everything until the last minute and do a rushed job.

Take Good Care of Yourself

If you’re juggling your degree, working long hours, and trying to keep in touch with friends and family, something has got to give at some point. We won’t lie and say it will be an easy ride. Stress happens to us all, so while you won’t be able to avoid it, there are things you can do to remain in control. To start with, you should be getting plenty of sleep. There are no excuses not to. Even if your schedule is jam-packed, you must find time to get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night. Make sure you’re taking regular breaks from your studies and get outside and go for a walk. This will clear your mind and help you return to your studies feeling refreshed. Your diet plays a factor in all of this too. If you’re constantly working or studying, you may depend on takeaways to keep you fuelled, but this isn’t sustainable long-term. Instead, stick to healthy foods and snacks that will boost cognitive function and keep you in check.

Make Room for Socialising

While a big chunk of your day may be taken up with work and studying, you should factor in time to socialise. Having some time away from your duties and spending time with loved ones can be a fantastic stress reliever. Research even proves that socialising benefits both your mental and physical health. Of course, socialise in moderation. If you’re going out partying every night with your friends, this won’t help you stay on top of your work and learning. Instead, make plans in advance so they can be included in your schedule.

Eliminate Distractions

While technology is a blessing in many respects, it can be a curse when it comes to working and studying. If you work or study from home, it’s all too easy to reach for your smartphone and spend endless hours scrolling through TikTok or Facebook. To help you stay on top of your duties, it’s time to eliminate distractions.To keep you focused on your workload and studies, put your smartphone somewhere that’s out of sight. This will stop you from procrastinating. If you start doing anything you can to get out of working or studying, you’ll soon fall behind.

Have Fun

With so many obligations on your shoulders, working and studying at the same time can get tiring quickly. However, it’s not impossible to succeed in both while having fun along the way. Make sure you find time to celebrate your hard work and achievements. During bad days, have something to cheer you up. This may be something nice for dinner or watching your favourite TV show.Don’t forget to have some fun in between all your hard work. You deserve to have things to look forward to!

Ask for Help

If you’re having difficulty managing your workload, studying, and maintaining a healthy social life, don’t be afraid to ask for help. For example, you may find your boss is willing to cooperate and rearrange your working hours. This may make your schedule more manageable to follow. If you have any problems with your course, there will be tutors and support staff you can speak to for advice. Additionally, if you do not have the time to commit to an in-person DNA programme, you can obtain an online dba from Aston University. This route allows you to study around your work hours. If your mental wellbeing is taking a hitbecause of your schedule, don’t be afraid to speak to your doctor.

Studying for a DBA will open more career doors, enhance your knowledge and skills, and lead you on the path to a successful career in the business world. If you have work commitments and social activities that run alongside your course, all the advice above can help you manage your time more effectively and ensure you stay on track.