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I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 24 – these are the warning signs

a new jersey Woman Says Her Early Signs multiple sclerosis (MS) I hope her story will help others catch devastating diseases early.

Angelina Cubero, 27, from Jersey City, was diagnosed with the disease three years ago at the age of 24, but it’s come a long way. Like many multiple sclerosis patients, it took months of uncertainty, trips to the emergency room, and hand-offs among her doctors before she was shut down.

For years, her symptoms—brain fog, frequent migraines, constant pain and numbness in her legs—were dismissed as anxiety. I would like to have someone else tested for MS.

Angelina Cubero (pictured), 27, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at the age of 24 after an MRI revealed lesions and other damage to her brain and spine.

Kubero had previously told doctors she suffered from brain fog, numbness in her legs, tingling and migraines, but said doctors ignored her symptoms.

Kubero had previously told doctors she suffered from brain fog, numbness in her legs, tingling and migraines, but said doctors ignored her symptoms.

In autoimmune diseases, the immune system mistakenly attacks the protective coatings of the brain and spine, slowly shutting down the body’s communication systems.

“I went to the doctor, I went to the ER, I went to the emergency room, I went to my primary doctor, I went to a specialist, I went to another specialist, and I didn’t really get any answers. Ms. Kubero told Good Morning America.

‘They’ll say, ‘You look fine. you don’t look sick All your tests looked fine to me. …the only reason they told me was anxiety.

Finally, an MRI scan she had in 2020 detected multiple lesions and plaques in her brain. This indicates that she suffers from multiple sclerosis.

She said she had never heard of the disease until she realized she had it.

“I had to do my own research to figure out what multiple sclerosis was, and it was terrifying,” she said.

An estimated 1 million Americans suffer from MS. National MS Society. The disease also causes approximately 20,000 deaths annually in the United States.

It develops when the immune system begins to attack the body’s myelin. Myelin is a coating that protects important parts of the central nervous system, such as the brain and spine.

Over time, the nervous system begins to disintegrate. This causes a gradual loss of motor function throughout the body.

Many patients become partially or completely paralyzed after years of battling the disease.

Other symptoms included seizures, vision problems, including blindness, mental health problems, and cognitive decline.

Although it may look young, symptoms usually start between the ages of 20 and 40. It may take some time before a doctor makes a diagnosis.

Cubero’s symptoms, initially ignored by doctors, all serve as early signs that the patient will soon suffer a devastating condition.

However, each of these symptoms are also caused by many other factors, and doctors caution against assuming the worst of common ailments.

According to Cubero, there are three warning signs:

MS is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's built-in defenses against outside invaders start attacking the myelin, which covers the brain, spine, and nerves that protect them from damage.

MS is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body’s built-in defenses against outside invaders start attacking the myelin, which covers the brain, spine, and nerves that protect them from damage.


Brain fog, defined by sudden confusion, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, and lack of mental clarity, is a common symptom of multiple sclerosis.

Known as “cogwheel fog” by patients with multiple sclerosis, this condition can cause people to lose time trying to complete simple tasks.

You may also have trouble remembering simple details of what you just did, such as what you had for lunch.

It is caused by damage to myelin, leaving the brain and other parts of the nervous system vulnerable.

Over time, infections, injuries, and illnesses damage the brain.

When damaged, lesions, or scars, begin to appear in the brain. The detection of this damage on an MRI scan is usually the first signal to doctors that someone is suffering from MS.

Numbness and tingling in the legs

Tingling and other sensations in the legs are one of the most common early symptoms of MS.

A person’s nerves are damaged when the myelin that surrounds the nerves in the body begins to slowly deteriorate.

These nerves are responsible for relaying information from the brain to the rest of the body.

If it becomes corrupted, it may not be able to transmit information correctly. This leads to a tingling or numb sensation that occurs when nerves are irritated or send extra signals.

These can occur occasionally in some people, such as after sitting on their legs for long periods of time, but doctors warn people who experience the sensations often should seek medical attention.


Frequent migraines are a potential symptom of MS. More than 1 in 10 Americans suffer from headaches, WebMD warns Patients with multiple sclerosis are twice as likely to experience it than others.

Doctors have not specified why people with MS experience these headaches. Previous studies have failed to establish a link between migraines and multiple sclerosis.

However, some speculate that the disease affects the way the body regulates hormones.

When the disease “relapses,” doctors say migraines are also more common as new symptoms of the disease begin to appear or old symptoms worsen. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at 24 – these are the warning signs

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