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Before stepping down, Nicola Sturgeon faced a battle over transgender rights

The battle over her support for transgender rights is not, by Nicola Sturgeon’s explanation, a reason for her to step down as Scottish prime minister. . clashes with the British government and trapped her in a nasty episode involving a convicted rapist held in a women’s prison.

Sturgeon’s troubles began last December when the Scottish Parliament passed legislation allowing transgender people to legally recognize their gender and obtain new birth certificates without a medical diagnosis. rice field.The UK government quickly rejected the lawsaid it was inconsistent with the Equality Act, which applies throughout the United Kingdom, including Scotland.

This created a crisis in Britain’s power-sharing system. This is known as delegation of authority. Mr Sturgeon called it “a head-on attack on the democratically elected Scottish Parliament and its ability to make its own decisions”.

For Sturgeon, transgender laws are part of her commitment to protect minority groups. But while the legislation was supported by Parliament, it divided Scotland’s broader population and became a stick in the culture wars.

It has also been confused with the case of Isla Bryson, a transgender woman who was convicted of raping two women prior to her gender reassignment. She was initially placed in a women’s prison while awaiting her sentence. The decision sparked outcry by critics who said it endangered the safety of other inmates.

Sturgeon later announced that Bryson had been moved to a men’s prison. But when Ms. Sturgeon was repeatedly questioned at her press conference whether she considered Ms. Bryson a woman, Ms. Sturgeon was subjected to harsh criticism and placed in an awkward position.

“She thinks she’s a woman,” replied Miss Sturgeon, clearly displeased. “I consider that individual a rapist.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/world/europe/nicola-sturgeon-transgender-rights.html Before stepping down, Nicola Sturgeon faced a battle over transgender rights

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