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Chelsea Tractor-hating mom of three, 62, reveals she secretly deflates SUV tires

‘I deflate my 4×4 tires on my way home from work’: The 62-year-old mother of three who hates Chelsea tractors secretly deflates her SUV tires in return for polluting her neighborhood. I made it clear that it was removed.I don’t care if she gets caught

  • A 62-year-old man from near Battersea claims to have deflated 80 cars.
  • After work in West London she frees up the air
  • The mother of three has been caught in the act by car owners before.
  • She compared SUV drivers to smokers, calling them “selfish” and “aggressive.”

A mother of three who hates Chelsea tractors has revealed she secretly deflates her SUV tires in return for those polluting her neighborhood.

A 62-year-old man who asked not to be identified by name claims to have released air from 80 different cars in the West. London – I don’t care if you get caught.

The writer, volunteer, and filmmaker was fed up with cars “pushing” on her and resorted to “disruptive” behavior.

Her dislike for big cars began when she “couldn’t believe” how many 4x4s she was seeing on the roads of London.

A woman who lives near Battersea, south of London, said she had been caught in the act before by a car owner, but had so far not been in trouble. My London report.

“I think I’ve deflated 80 cars by now. I don’t want to do it, I don’t enjoy it, but it’s an extreme reaction out of desperation,” she said.

“If the government does nothing, what else can we do?”

A 62-year-old mother of three is part of a tire fire extinguisher group (pictured) that deflates the tires of large vehicles.

The woman recalled deflating her tires about a decade ago after realizing that small smart cars were never going to be the future of travel.

Instead, she was upset by the “unnecessary size” of the car, which was “getting bigger and bigger.”

“Cars emit carbon dioxide and pollute the environment around me. There is nothing I can do about it,” she said.

She claims to have released air from 80 different cars in West London.Photo: Car with tire fire extinguisher deflated earlier

She claims to have released air from 80 different cars in West London.Photo: Car with tire fire extinguisher deflated earlier

“They were pushing on me and I thought for a long time what I could do about it. Then I found out about the tire fire extinguisher movement.

The Tire Extinguisher Group is famous for deflating the tires of large vehicles in its stance against climate change.

The mother, who is not afraid of jail time, has branded the SUV driver as “aggressive” and “selfish” and compared it to a smoker.

She calls for a ban on SUVs, as well as indoor smoking.

Technically deflating a tire is criminal damage, but she wants to keep doing it until “the government finds out.”

She considered the risk of injury to the driver, but believes SUVs are more dangerous.

A woman who requested anonymity said she secretly deflates SUV tires in return for polluting her neighborhood.

A woman who requested anonymity said she secretly deflates SUV tires in return for polluting her neighborhood.

After trying to make a difference by putting a leaflet on her car’s windshield, she quickly decided she needed more.

The 62-year-old is now using her commute to take off the tire caps and give her opinion.

The woman believes SUVs are causing climate change, and despite several arrests, she hasn’t been deterred from continuing to drive.

She explained that she was confronted by a man after her hand was caught in the tire cap of his car.

She claims that after she explained why, she said, “I understand where you came from.”

Tire Extinguishers is trying to attract more followers every day. The company’s website states, “The minor inconvenience of deflating a tire repeatedly and encouraging others to do the same has led to a slew of killer vehicles on our streets.” It turns into a big obstacle in driving.”


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11301155/Chelsea-Tractor-hating-mother-three-62-reveals-secretly-lets-air-tyres-SUVs.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Chelsea Tractor-hating mom of three, 62, reveals she secretly deflates SUV tires

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