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Daily Email Comment: AI West Needs Sheriff

Daily Email Comment: AI West Needs Sheriff

Back in the 1950s, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov recognized the vast potential of artificial intelligence and the critical need to control it.

Renowned scientist and academic, Asimov’s Laws of Robotics are perhaps more relevant today than ever. Their core tenet is that robots should never harm humans.

This rule was totally shattered when the U.S. military drone powered it. AI Instead of canceling a mission to destroy enemy air defenses, he allegedly killed the pilot.

Since it was a mock training, there was no actual damage. But the effects are truly terrifying. The incident was (later denied by the police) pentagon) was reaggregated with London A press conference with Col. Tucker Hamilton, the U.S. Air Force’s chief of AI testing and operations.

It was a warning about AI’s breakneck speed and boundlessness. “You can’t talk about artificial intelligence, machine learning and autonomy if you’re not going to talk about ethics,” Hamilton said.

Back in the 1950s, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov recognized the vast potential of artificial intelligence and the critical need to control it.

His concerns echo those of hundreds of technology experts around the world who issued a joint statement this week, saying AI poses the same annihilation threat as nuclear war.

Among them is the “godfather” of AI, Joshua Bengio, who now knows that the technology he helped develop could have devastating consequences. He says he feels a sense of loss.

AI development has become a modern arms race, with competing nations realizing the enormous power that comes from being at the forefront.

This makes it more difficult to agree to or enforce international regulations. There will always be bad guys motivated only by national interests and megalomania.

Rishi Sunak is scheduled to travel to Washington next week to discuss with President Biden what “guardrails” and new regulatory regimes are needed to curb this burgeoning industry.

There are over 3,100 AI companies in the UK alone, and a whopping 432,000 UK companies using the technology in some way. That number will continue to grow.

Dramatic changes are also predicted in the public sector. We report today that AI could replace a significant number of civil servants within the next decade.

This will change society for better or worse. Therefore, the negative should be minimized while encouraging the positive. It’s not easy, but the free world must strive to set ethical parameters. Otherwise, the AI ​​would be like a western without the sheriff.

Lemmings of Athref

Today’s strike by railroad drivers, ironically coinciding with both the FA Cup final and the Epsom Derby, will undoubtedly inconvenience sports fans. But they will find a way around it.

Estimated to have cost the UK economy around £5bn so far, Mr Ahleff’s campaign against tourists is one of those whose profits are declining rapidly.

Today's strike by railroad drivers, ironically coinciding with both the FA Cup final and the Epsom Derby, will undoubtedly inconvenience sports fans.But they will find a way around it

Today’s strike by railroad drivers, ironically coinciding with both the FA Cup final and the Epsom Derby, will undoubtedly inconvenience sports fans.But they will find a way around it

Strikes are occurring so frequently that commuters simply shrug their shoulders and either work from home or find another route. This is very bad news for the operating company as well as for the employees.

Strike-bound services alienate tourists, slash revenues, and make railroads unsustainable. That ultimately means fewer trains and fewer drivers.

Like Lemming, unions seem determined to push their industry, and inevitably many of their members’ jobs, over a cliff.

Last month, global food prices fell to their lowest level in two years, which may surprise shoppers struggling with soaring inflation. Supermarkets say the decline should ultimately be reflected in their prices. So what are they waiting for? Daily Email Comment: AI West Needs Sheriff

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