Home Lifestyle Different ways to maintain cabin air filtersṣ

Different ways to maintain cabin air filtersṣ


Your cabin air filter is an essential device that helps to keep your car clean. So it’s important to keep it clean and make sure it works in proper condition, especially if you have been driving in severe weather conditions.

Most people feel that the cabin air filters should be changed every 3000 miles that your car travels, but modern air filters need not be changed that often. If you’re careful enough, it can last up to 1-2 years.

In this article, we have put together a list of different ways to maintain your air filters for a better driving experience.

  1. Keep checking it

Just like almost any other gadget, your air filter needs to be checked periodically. Inspecting it regularly helps you understand how long it will last and whether it will fail or not in a few days’ or week’s time.

Then you won’t have to drive around with a damaged air filter and spend days looking for a new one. Cabin air filters in most cars are pretty easy to reach and even remove. It only takes five minutes, so you have the entire thing in your own hands.

Often, a visual inspection is more than enough to tell you whether you need to change the filter or not. You will be able to see debris or dirt particles on the side where air intake takes place.

Check if the pores are clogged or not. Replacing a clogged filter is one way, but you can also clean it. It all depends on the type of filter you have.

  1. Clean the filter

Filters that use fabric as the media for filtration can be cleaned very easily. Paper or carbon air filters should never be washed since water can damage them and render them unusable. Instead, you must replace them. Here is the method of washing your air filter (if it’s washable).

In order to clean the fabric, you must use filter cleaner and water. Start by first removing larger particles like leaves, insects, etc. Spray the filter surfaces with the cleaner to soak the other debris particles and remove them.

Next, rinse the filter carefully with low-pressure water, starting from the cleaner side and then gradually moving to the dirty (or air intake) portion. Wait until the filter is completely dry and then replug it in your car.

A wet filter will not work properly and might damage your vehicle. If your filter is of the oiled type, use a special filter oil.

  1. Avoid dusty surroundings

Dust is easily one of the most harmful pollutants for your cabin filter. Nowadays, most places are so polluted that you’ll have to frequently change your filter, after every 3000-5000 miles.

If possible, avoid driving to and fro these kinds of destinations. Metropolitan cities especially have a lot of dust flowing all around, which causes the air filters to get damaged. In addition to this, ensure that you install the filter that is suitable for the place you live in or where you drive to.

A restrictive-type air filter is able to capture most particles but isn’t recommended for places that have high levels of dust. For example, if there’s a desert near where you live, it’s much better to go for filters that give you a good airflow.

Restrictive filters are only good if you are trying to protect yourself from common allergens. If you wish for a pleasant smell inside your car, go for a carbon cabin air filter. It keeps out the bad odour and makes your car feel refreshing. This also keeps out foul gases or exhaust fumes.

Some important tips:

Vacuum your car’s interior every now and then to remove deadly things like dust mites.

Mold is another allergen that can breed in wet or damp places. Wipe any spillage that may occur then and there.

Close your windows the moment you enter a place filled with dirt or pollutants. Ensure that the windows are closed right up to the top and there are no spaces.

Wipe your steering wheel, dashboard, and doors regularly.

Over to you…

These were a few tips to ensure that your cabin air filter works properly and doesn’t get damaged every now and then.

In case you don’t know where the cabin filter is, check under your glove box or dashboard, or underneath the hood. Ask a professional for help regarding removing, cleaning, and reinstalling if needed.