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EU and UK officials offer warm words ahead of Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations

UK and EU officials have indicated they are ready to resolve the impasse. Northern Ireland protocol.

European Commission (EC) spokesman Daniel Ferry confirmed that the two sides would meet this week for technical-level talks and that the EU would approach them “constructively” and “find a joint solution.” We are committed to,” he added.

Northern Ireland’s new minister Steve Baker He said he was “convinced” that London and Brussels could “conclude an agreement beneficial to everyone” if they joined the negotiations “in a spirit of goodwill” without preconditions.

Mr Baker, an outspoken Brexit supporter, said he would be happy to eat the humble pie to improve the broken relationship between Britain and Ireland.

There will be technical level talks, discussions and exchanges this week, but the details still need to be worked out of course

Daniel Ferry, Spokesperson for the European Commission

The protocol was agreed by the UK and EU as part of the withdrawal agreement and sought to circumvent a strict border with Ireland after Brexit.

However, the arrangement created trade barriers for goods shipped from the UK to Northern Ireland.

The protocol has been fiercely opposed by many trade unionists in Northern Ireland, and the DUP is currently blocking the formation of a power-sharing cadre in protest in Belfast.

Negotiations between the UK and the EU have stalled in recent months, although Foreign Secretary James Cleverley and EC’s Maros Sevkovic enjoyed a “good conversation” on Friday.

Ferry told reporters:

“There will be discussions, discussions and exchanges on a technical level this week, the details of which of course need to be worked out.

“What I can do is to make sure that the EU is committed to joint efforts, to finding joint solutions, and to working towards these solutions to bring predictability and certainty to the people of Northern Ireland. It’s just to emphasize from our side that we need to find a solution.

“Looking back, it is no exaggeration to say that the EU has always approached these negotiations constructively and will continue to do so.”

We have to have something that works for everyone, we are clear about that

Prime Minister Liz Truss

prime minister Liz Truss She said she wanted a settlement that would be “helpful for everyone.”

She told UTV:

“We need to make sure we share commercial data and we want to make sure the arrangement serves their concerns as well as ours.

“We have to have something that works for everyone. We’re clear about that.”

UK minister Baker apologized on Sunday for his earlier “fierce” stance on negotiations with the EU, admitting that restoring ties with the EU and Ireland will require “humility”.

Baker, a former member of the European Study Group of MPs in support of Brexit, told Irish broadcaster RTE Radio 1’s Morning Ireland program on Monday: Working together in the spirit of goodwill, we can mitigate this problem and reach a deal that works for all while respecting the legitimate interests of all North, South, East and West.

If I had to eat a little pie to mend a broken relationship and make it through, I would happily eat a little pie.

Steve Baker, Minister for Northern Ireland

“That’s why if I have to eat a little piece of pie to mend a broken relationship and make it through, I’m willing to eat a little piece of pie.”

Legislation allowing the UK government to effectively dismantle parts of the protocol is due to return to parliament on 11 October.

The Northern Ireland Protocol Bill already House of Commons It will be discussed at the second reading in the House of Lords next week.

Pressing on Baker’s remarks and asking if the EU would be willing to participate in expedited negotiations while the bill is in existence, Ferry said: In order to find a solution, I came up with an idea on how some of the challenges associated with implementing the protocol could be overcome.

“We are ready. We have been preparing for a long time to find and negotiate a solution. That is all I can say.

“I don’t particularly care about the terminology for any particular kind of story. Technical level colleagues and experts will discuss it this week and we’ll go from there.”

Ireland’s Minister for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne, welcomed the change in “mood music” but cautioned that both sides have been here before.

“What we have to see this week is…the political climate is good.

“The technical negotiations between the EU and the UK, which I believe are set to start this week, have to make sure they move forward because that’s where they fell last time.”

With hard work and compromises on all fronts, a deal is achievable to end this toxic and self-harming stalemate.

David Lamy, Shadow Foreign Minister

Speaking to Labor, shadow foreign secretary David Lammy said the UK government “must not waste” the opportunity to move forward with the protocol.

he said:

“For months, Labor has been urging the government to come around the negotiating table with the EU to fix bad deals they have negotiated.

“Now there is a window that governments must not squander. If we work hard on all fronts and compromise, we can reach an agreement to end this harmful and self-harming stalemate.”

Former Deputy Prime Minister Lord Heseltine said the government should withdraw the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill and warned it would be “massacred” in the House of Lords.

He said at the European Movement’s fringe event at the Conservative Conference:

“In any case, they will be massacred in the House of Lords.”

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/steve-baker-northern-ireland-liz-truss-house-of-lords-house-of-commons-b2191520.html EU and UK officials offer warm words ahead of Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations

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