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Filing a Car Insurance Claim? What to Expect


Studies show that even the safest drivers can get involved in car accidents. Many people have a common misconception that drivers who get involved in car accidents are often reckless. This is always far from true.

At the scene of the accident, it is important to take a few key steps to make sure everyone is okay. Taking photos of the damages to the car, contacting the police, and exchanging contact information with the other drivers involved in the accident should follow.

When filing an insurance claim after a motor accident, you must know all the relevant documentation and understand how your coverage works. Knowing what to expect beforehand can make your claims process smoother and ensure you receive the funds for repairing your vehicle on time.

Keeping in mind that different insurance companies handle their claims processes differently, there are some steps that are quite similar. This post gives you an idea of what you should expect when filing a car insurance claim:

1.     Provide Detailed Information About the Accident

When filing a car insurance claim with your insurer, it’s always in your best interest to provide as much information about the accident as possible. Some important information you should collect and share with the insurer include:

  • Name, contact, vehicle information, and insurance for everyone involved in the accident
  • Photos of the vehicle damage
  • Location, weather conditions, and time of day
  • Copy of the accident report
  • Names and badge numbers of officers who responded to the accident

These are just a few critical documents you should carry when reporting your auto accident to your insurer.

2.     Inquire About Your Insurance Coverage

An important part of any insurance claims process is knowing your car insurance policy and everything it covers. Some common factors to consider when filing your insurance claim include:

 Your Deductible

One critical factor you must note with auto insurance claims is that Uber claims in the US are a little different. Many drivers employed by ride-sharing companies are often less likely to be road safe than average drivers. Many of them also aren’t adequately trained, making them more likely to get involved in road accidents.

Your selected deductible for certain coverages like collision or comprehensive coverage determine the amount you will have to pay from your pocket towards repairs for your car before insurance takes over.

 Transportation Expense Coverage

You also want to check if your auto insurance policy has transportation expense coverage. This cover can help pay for your rental car or any other forms of transportation when preparing the car.

You can also ask your insurer for any details of how you will be reimbursed. You also want to check your policy’s coverage limits, so you know how much you’ll have to chip in out-of-pocket.

 When is the Deadline for Submitting a Claim?

It is always important to check with your insurer on issues regarding time limits. That’s because if you fail to submit your claim and the necessary documentation within the insurer’s time limit, then you may not be eligible to get any compensation to help with repairs and medical bills.

The deadlines for filing car insurance claims also vary, depending on the claim you are filing. For example, you will find that the timeline for filing vehicle damage is often different from filing insurance claims for personal injuries.

So, always make sure you check with your insurer to be determined in compliance with the insurer’s claims timeline and policy.

3. Get an Estimate

Typically, your insurance company sends an insurance adjuster to check the condition of your vehicle and assess the damage. The adjuster also investigates the losses and uses this information to determine who was at fault during the accident.

The insurance adjuster will also give you an initial estimate for the total repair costs (both for parts and labor). Some insurance companies can also give you an estimate of the repair costs and compare it with the damage and repairs report with the insurance company.

4. Get Your Car Repaired

You have the right to get your car repaired by the repair shop of your choosing. The body repair shop can also use the original equipment manufacturer parts instead of the less expensive “after-market” parts.

It is also worth noting that the OEM parts body shops use can be either new or recycled. And some insurers may not include OEM parts in their auto insurance policies. When paying for car parts, your insurer may pay for the repairs directly or send you the bill and let you handle everything.

Summing Up

After getting into a car accident, one thing you’re always looking forward to is a smooth car insurance claim process. You’ll want your car repaired within the shortest time possible. A professional hearing aid lawyer will make sure that you receive fair compensation that covers all costs incurred by yourself and your damaged property.