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Former Spanish king appeals latest stage of dispute with ex-girlfriend

The former king of Spain is preparing to appeal after losing a lawsuit. high court Quarrel with ex-girlfriend.

Danish businessman Corinna Zu Sain-Wittgenstein-Sain Juan Carlosabdicated in 2014 and is seeking damages for personal injury.

She claims he caused her “great emotional distress” by spying on and harassing her.

Juan Carlos, 84, has denied any wrongdoing and is disputing the allegations against him.

lawyer He, on behalf of Juan Carlos, argued that “he is entitled to immunity from the jurisdiction of the English courts”. Spanish royal family”.

But a High Court judge disagreed.

Mr justice Nicklin ruled earlier this year that the claim could proceed in England.

In July, two Court of Appeals judges allowed Juan Carlos to challenge some of Judge Nicklin’s conclusions.

Three appeals judges, Lady Justice King, Lady Justice Shimler and Lord Justice Popplewell, are scheduled to consider detailed arguments at an appeals court hearing in London on Tuesday.

A lawyer representing Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sain says the former king’s appeal should be dismissed.

A judge asked how Juan Carlos ruled from 1975 until he abdicated in June 2014 and was succeeded by his son Felipe VI.

They say that Ms zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn, who lives in England and has a house in Shropshire, has been accused of (from 2012) the “collapse of an intimate romantic relationship” and “the after refusing to use irrecoverable amounts of money or to return other gifts.

A lawyer representing her said that “[the former King]or his agents slandered her and her business in the media, pursued her, broke into her house in Shropshire and “Including eavesdropping on electronic equipment”, he asserted to the judge.

Justice Nicklin rejected the argument that despite his abdication, Juan Carlos remained a “sovereign person” and was entitled to personal immunity under the State Immunity Act 1978.

He also stated that, in the sense of the act, Juan Carlos is not a member of the current royal family.

Justice Nikulin said the former king’s status under the Spanish constitution was “absolutely honorary” and “has no continuing role.”

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/juan-carlos-spanish-royal-courts-of-justice-high-court-justice-b2219967.html Former Spanish king appeals latest stage of dispute with ex-girlfriend

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