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Friends of Prince William and Kate Middleton assert that they will disclose further information about Kate’s recovery on their own terms, emphasizing that Kate, likened to “not a show pony,” won’t be pressured into public appearances amidst social media speculation surrounding her health.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are eager to provide clarity and openness regarding Kate’s health, although they’ll share updates with the public at their own pace, as stated by a close friend.

Following major abdominal surgery on January 16, Kate has refrained from public appearances, sparking widespread speculation about her health. Her return to official duties isn’t expected until after Easter.

Speculation heightened when Kate publicly acknowledged responsibility for a family photograph released on Mother’s Day, which drew scrutiny from top picture agencies over concerns of manipulation.

A source close to the couple suggests they’ll reveal more about Kate’s recovery in due course, with her return anticipated after April 17, as reported by The Sunday Times.

Insisting Kate is not merely a public figure to be paraded, insiders defend the couple’s decision to maintain privacy amidst the intense scrutiny they face.

Aware of circulating rumors, the Waleses are mindful but not consumed by them like Prince Harry, staying informed through news outlets.

Criticism regarding their marriage amid Kate’s health struggles is deemed unwarranted, given the family’s current challenges.

Kate’s hospitalization at the London Clinic for planned surgery on January 16, followed by her discharge on January 29, raised questions about her condition, although Kensington Palace clarified it wasn’t cancer-related, respecting Kate’s wish for privacy.

Her return to duties is expected after her children’s return to school post-Easter, during which William will also take a break from public engagements.

Speculation persists about addressing Kate’s health during upcoming engagements, with suggestions that public interactions might provide a platform for discussion.

Despite recent challenges, the couple intends to uphold the tradition of releasing photographs for their children’s birthdays.

Amidst controversy over a manipulated family photo released on Mother’s Day, Kate apologized publicly, acknowledging oversight in editing.

Friends attribute any mistakes to the couple’s desire to present their best selves to the public.

Kate’s intention to share joy through the image was overshadowed by speculation about her marriage, causing distress to both her and William.

Concerns about Kate’s well-being amidst rumors are noted, with insiders expressing worry about their impact on her recovery.

Kensington Palace stands firm on not reissuing the unedited photograph, despite calls for transparency.

Details about the photo shoot reveal Prince William as the photographer, with Kate later making edits to enhance the image before its public release.

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