Home Business How To Save On Business Energy

How To Save On Business Energy


Energy bills can come in as a huge shock, especially for newer and growing businesses, so it’s important to stay on top of them. Often it’s just a case of knowing how much you’re using and knowing when and how to cut back.

So how do you cut back? Well, for each energy bill it’s a little different and sometimes it’s a bit easier, other times a little more tricky. From small to big changes you can end up coping hundreds off of each annual bill, which amounts to thousands between all of your energy costs.

Be it simple tricks to the assistance of money-saving services, here are the ways that you can chop down your business energy bills.


Saving on heating is a simple case of keeping track of how much you are using, which you can do with the help of a smart meter. Your provider will usually offer to install a smart meter for free, which you should take them up on.

Being able to track your usage over a month will let you know where your heating is being wasted. For example, keeping a hot tap on continuously rather than filling a sink with hot water and using that for your washing up.

Some smart meters can even be accessed through a portal remotely, with options to set up warnings when you’re overusing.

With a little insight, you can keep using the right amount of hot water and heating while keeping a cap on your consumption.


With electricity, it’s often a cause of better practice once again, with lights left on over the weekend too often. But if you’re looking to cut down on electricity on a consistent basis, it may be worth considering some energy-saving bulbs.

If you work in a 9-5 business daylight will be doing a lot of the work for you, so you don’t need the best industrial lighting.

If it’s a customer-facing business like a restaurant or bar, some softer lighting can actually set a softer tone.

Energy-saving lightbulbs are a fairly cheap investment that will offer noticeable savings on your monthly bills.


Now this one’s a little more tricky, often water and wastewater bills can depend entirely on your business and its piping among many other factors.

To properly manage your water bills you’re going to want to make sure you have a supplier who has your back. As bills can be so dependent on individual circumstances of businesses and their premises, suppliers can easily inflate their charges.

It’s important to be thorough with suppliers, have them talk you through each cost on your water bill and make sure they aren’t charging you for services you may not need, like the use of a septic tank, for example.

There are great suppliers out there, you just have to compare your options and see what rates are out there.

Often the independent suppliers, like Castle Water, offer a personalised approach that gets you the best deal, not them