Home Business Importance of prioritising health and well-being of your employees

Importance of prioritising health and well-being of your employees


People worldwide have been afflicted by the COVID-19 epidemic, which has impacted their mental and physical health. Because employee safety and well-being have risen to the top of most people’s concerns, firms are doing everything they can to assist and protect their workers.

While physical health is extremely crucial, it is not the only issue affecting an employee’s ability to perform at their best on the job. If you put your employees’ well- being and happiness first, they are less likely to take time off for stress-related reasons, which is good for productivity.

Many firms are implementing innovative strategies to promote employee health and wellness. Firms should take comprehensive business health insurance plans that include mental health coverage, and it will not cost you a ton.

This article will highlight the advantages of prioritising employee well-being in the workplace.

Reduced staff attrition

It’s critical to consider the health and well-being of your workforce if you want to lower staff turnover. Inquire whether there are ways to relieve stress and increase physical activity, such as a Bike to Work Scheme or an Employee Assistance Programme.

Staff will feel cared for and appreciated if health and wellness initiatives are implemented. Employees will be more motivated to stay with your company since you will have an easier time attracting and retaining top talent, minimising the risk of early retirements.

Increased employee retention

There will be less stress, excess workload, and illness, which means staff will be better able to concentrate on their jobs.

Employees are more inclined to put in extra effort for a company that values their well-being if they believe their employers genuinely care about them as individuals.

Preventing long-term health issues

Companies that take a proactive approach to employee health and wellness have a better chance of preventing long-term or worsened sickness leaves, which reduces the expenses associated with absence.

It could help employees through confidential counselling if programs like Employee Assistance are implemented. In addition, health cash plans and hospital treatment insurance may reduce the likelihood that employees will take long periods off work. Introducing these schemes could address issues that could lead to absence.

Provides a positive public image

Organisations must demonstrate that they have implemented best practices per government regulations to secure government contracts. A rising number of organisations worldwide require workplace wellness and well-being programs to be in place, which can considerably minimise an organisation’s legal risk and fulfil international standards for workplace safety.

Boost productivity and morale

Employees’ mental health can increase their ability to cope with mental stress, make decisions, productivity, and relationships with co-workers. All of these elements contribute to a rise in the output of employees. Providing flexible work schedules, allowing employees to take extended lunch breaks, praising good work, and implementing an open and trustworthy management style can all help boost employee satisfaction.

Lowers workers compensation claims

Signs of work-related stress, such as headaches and weariness, can be both physical and psychological. Poor management of the health and well-being of those impacted can result in significant expenses for the company. For instance, Workers’ compensation for mental injury claims are frequently more expensive than other claims and can result in prolonged absences from work.

Boost employee recruiting

Ethical firms are becoming more popular, and therefore implementing employee well-being activities or programs is another way to recruit talented employees.

Steps to promote the health and well-being of employees

Following are some of the measures you can implement to promote employee well being:

Encourage openness and dialogue

As a boss or manager, let’s pretend that you want to improve the flow of information inside your company. This will give employees a sense of belonging and help them cope with stress in their personal and professional lives. In addition, you must ensure that they receive the necessary information promptly.

Acknowledge their efforts

For all their hard work and commitment, reward them. Employee morale and output will soar if they are given credit for their efforts. This improves teamwork and the environment in the workplace.

Take the time to be a good listener

Employee’s trust can be gained by listening to and empathising with your colleagues’ opinions about their issues. They will feel appreciated and less stressed out by life as a result. Leaders that truly care about their employees’ well-being are more likely to inspire their workers.

Organise casual online gatherings

Keeping your staff amused during these difficult times can be a great stress reliever for them. It also fosters a strong team spirit. Hosting virtual events like virtual games, humour shows, and brainstorming meetings will bring people together in one place and keep them interested in what you’re doing.

Mental health should be the primary focus

There must be more emphasis on mental health in future corporate wellness programmes than physical health. Employers can help raise mental health awareness by providing access to resources and counselling sessions.

Incentivize your staff

It’s always a good idea to recognise and appreciate your employees. Rewards are usually helpful in creating a more productive and flexible workplace. Employee recognition and rewards have a crucial impact on employee satisfaction and retention.


Taking care of and prioritising your employees’ health and well-being will help you achieve greater success in your company.