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Islington Council delays decision on office plans again

Islington Council’s planning committee discussed proposals to replace Fitzroy House and Castle House with a nine-storey building this evening (October 12).

A number of objections were raised about the scheme, including from disabled residents of 10 Epworth Street, a block of flats close to the proposed construction site.

Tenants of the block fear that the development by Lion Portfolio, which would stand at 29m high and be just 10m from the block, would block daylight to their flats.

A report from planning officers put before the committee claimed that any reductions in daylight from the scheme would not “disproportionately disadvantage” the residents.

But at tonight’s planning meeting councillors agreed to delay the decision, calling for the applicant to revisit the scheme to mitigate the impacts on daylight and sunlight to nearby residential blocks.

They also said that the applicant should further consult with impacted residents.

This was the second time that a decision on the plans has been delayed.

In July, the planning committee said that the impact of the scheme on the protected characteristics of disabled tenants at 10 Epworth Street still needed to be “properly explored”.

https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23852611.islington-council-delays-decision-office-plans/?ref=rss Islington Council delays decision on office plans again

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