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Jake Quickenden Shares Personal Story for Sarcoma Cancer Awareness Month

July is Sarcoma Awareness Month and the charity Sarcoma UK has launched a cancer awareness campaign.

It is the third most common cancer in children in the UK, with more than 5,000 cases diagnosed each year, yet only one in ten people actually know about it.

Singer and TV personality Jake Quickenden is now an ambassador for the charity after a very personal connection.

His brother died of osteosarcoma at age 19, and his father died of cancer four years ago.

For more information on the campaign, please visit the Sarcoma UK website.

Henry told Jake about his story and this month’s awareness campaign.

Henry Thomas-Aldridge July 10, 2023

tagnews, positionIslington

https://www.londonlive.co.uk/news/jake-quickenden-tells-his-personal-story-for-sarcoma-cancer-awareness-month/ Jake Quickenden Shares Personal Story for Sarcoma Cancer Awareness Month

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