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Limbic retraining: how to improve your limbic system?


The limbic system is a set of structures in our midbrain that work together to control our emotions. It’s known as the “feeling or reactive brain,” and it’s in charge of memory formation. The limbic system collects, filters, and responds to information and stimuli from our environment. It attaches emotional significance to everything we come across and categorizes it as safe or dangerous.

Infections, trauma, chemical or mold exposure, inflammation, chronic stress, and immune system malfunction are just a few of the factors that can disrupt or hinder the limbic system’s normal functioning. The limbic system might become overactive or hypersensitive if it is not working properly.

There are numerous ways that can be used to improve limbic system function. Several programs to retrain the limbic system have also been developed. These limbic retraining techniques will be discussed in this article.

Currently, the Gupta Amygdala Retraining Program is very popular, which we will discuss below.

Limbic System’s Functions

The following functions are controlled or regulated by this hardworking brain region:

  • Sensory information response (especially sense of smell),
  • Appetite and dietary habits,
  • Dreams and sleep,
  • Emotional reactions,
  • Memory,
  • Sexual behavior,
  • Social Cognition.

Limbic retraining aims to rewire neural circuits in the brain linked to a maladaptive stress response.

How to improve the limbic system?

Improving your limbic response is critical to improving your overall quality of life and experience. The more resilient you are to the stressors you confront on a daily basis, the healthier your limbic response will be.

You have an overactive stress response when your limbic system is out of balance, which affects your mood, relationships, and physical and emotional health. To boost your limbic response, use these important tactics.

Anti-inflammatory diet

An anti-inflammatory diet is one of the most effective ways to alleviate the symptoms of limbic dysfunction. An anti-inflammatory diet eliminates inflammatory foods and replaces them with meals that serve to reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, and supply essential nutrients.

Refined sugars and grains, food additives and preservatives, GMO foods, and foods contaminated with pesticides and hazardous debris are all high-inflammatories.

So, you should choose grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and pastured eggs wherever possible. Colorful, low-carbohydrate, low-glycemic vegetables should be included.

Control your stress level

One of the most common causes of cognitive impairment is stress. Severe stress creates inflammation in the brain, which is harmful to the brain’s health.

Anti-inflammatory, healing diet, and managing blood sugar levels are the best ways for decreasing stress. Prayer, meditation, grounding, deep breathing exercises, sunlight exposure, Epsom salt baths, and dry brushing are all effective strategies.

Stimulating activities can aid in stress reduction and brain engagement. Playing games, reading books, doing crafts (like sewing and knitting), and creating art can all assist to lessen cognitive impairment. Music can help you relax and may even help you develop new neurons in your brain.

Gratitude and laughter

Gratitude reduces stress hormones and releases feel-good hormones like oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, which help your mind and body relax.

Laughter can also be very beneficial to your limbic system. “Laughter is the best medicine,” as the old adage goes. This is due to the effect of laughter on our stress response system and the production of endorphins, which help to alleviate pain and promote happy sentiments in the body.

Fight chronic infections

Infections can cause the limbic system to malfunction. It’s critical to recognize and treat any illnesses.

Reduce EMF exposure

Electromagnetic field (EMF) sensitivity may play a huge role in limbic dysfunction. An electromagnetic field is a physical field created by an electrically charged object. Cell phones, microwave ovens, WiFi, smart meters, and other devices fall into this category.

Make restorative sleep a priority

The importance of restorative sleep for good brain function cannot be overstated. By emptying away poisons, sleep decreases inflammation and replenishes the brain. Sleep also allows the nervous system to restore myelin sheaths, which protect and insulate nerve fibers and upregulate appropriate neurotransmitters.

Consider participating in a limbic retraining program

There are therapies that use neuroplasticity to rewire our limbic system. These treatments assist us in “rewiring” our brains by establishing new, healthy neural pathways to replace previously damaged functions. The Gupta Amygdala Retraining Program is currently very popular.

The idea behind limbic retraining is that we may quiet the overactive limbic system by reprogramming our unconscious stress response. The inhibited body systems (detoxification, immune) will begin to operate normally again once the limbic system is relaxed and out of a constant fight or flight phase.

Amygdala Retraining Program by Gupta

After struggling with ME/CFS, Ashok Gupta developed the Gupta Amygdala Retraining Program. It’s a weekly webinar and 15 interactive video sessions online membership program.

This brain retraining method is based on a variety of counseling, coaching, and healing modalities. It includes audio workouts, meditation, and visualizations, as well as food, sleep, and other recommendations.

Limbic retraining allows you to retrain your limbic system to respond in a more functional way, minimizing symptoms. So why not give it a try?