London nurse told to ‘bleach skin’ after racism complaint garners £25,000 payout
An agency nurse who was told to bleach her skin ‘to be white tomorrow’ after reporting racist abuse earned a £25,000 payout.
Adelaide Cueyama has won a race-related harassment lawsuit against the NHS Foundation Trust of Central and North West London following comments from a senior nurse.
In a judgment on Thursday 2 March, she was awarded £25,713 in damages in the case.
The court heard how Ms. Kueyama, a black woman from South Africa, reported being racially discriminated against while working as a nurse for an agency at an immigration center.
In one incident in January 2019, the panel heard how she reported receiving racist abuse from a patient, including the n-word, while she was waiting for her medication.
On another occasion the following month, she reported that a patient had racially abused her and pretended not to speak English.
She called off the triage and told her manager, another nurse, about the incident. Her manager told her
The next day, she overheard a nurse telling another staff member:
Ms. Cueyama reported the incident electronically, but court bosses discovered there had been no proper follow-up to her complaint regarding the incident.
The court found that this was an “absolute waiver of management’s affirmative liability.”
The Watford Employment Tribunal heard a nurse tell her agent that she was no longer able to work at the center because she felt depressed after the incident.
She was later told by her NHS manager that she was concerned about her mental health.
The court upheld a complaint of harm due to race-related harassment over the “bleach” comment, and for raising mental health concerns regarding the complaint.
Direct racism complaints were dismissed. A further hearing will be held to determine the amount owed for lost revenue.
A spokeswoman for the trust said it had apologized to Mr. Cueyama.
“It’s also being used for staff to learn. These weren’t the behaviors we expected of our colleagues,” a spokesperson said.
“We are ashamed that this has happened and will continue to keep this at the forefront of our efforts to combat racism. We want to create a culture of working in an environment where London nurse told to ‘bleach skin’ after racism complaint garners £25,000 payout