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Nicola Sturgeon has resigned as Scotland’s first minister, a senior source tells Sky News.political news

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon is set to resign, a senior Scottish government official told Sky News.

The SNP leaders will hold a press conference at 11am at Edinburgh’s official residence, Bute House, to make a shocking announcement.

Sky News political editor Beth Rigby said she understands the prime minister will stay until someone else takes over, but said there was “no clear candidate” and cast “big questions” over her party’s future. ‘ was thrown.

Political Live: Sturgeon giving a speech at a press conference after shocking news

The reason for her resignation has also not yet been revealed, but SNP sources say Prime Minister Beth Rigby has had “enough.”

SNP Rep. Alison Thewlis said she was “totally mad” about the news, adding that “Nicola was an incredible leader.”

Her party colleague, Rep. Stewart McDonald, called Mr. Sturgeon “the greatest civil servant of the devolution era” and would be a “tremendous loss” for the country and party.

“Her public service, personal resilience and devotion to Scotland are unmatched and she has served our party more than anyone else.

Sturgeon has led the party and country since 2014, succeeding his predecessor Alex Salmond.

Since then, she has secured electoral success in every poll and continues to push for Scottish independence, campaigning for a second referendum on the decision.

However, it pitted the first minister against the British government, led by the Conservative Party, which supported the union.

A senior Labor Party official said her decision showed the independence movement was “all over” and that “after 15 years of failure, the SNP has gone astray”.

In recent months, she’s had a lot of tricky issues, including her bill on gender identity.

Despite passing the bill in Holyrood, then blocked by Westminsterministers claim it will have a “significant impact” equally.

Sky News political correspondent Tamara Cohen said Sturgeon’s popularity “has taken an unusual hit in recent months in polls for the first time since she became prime minister,” but the news nonetheless. was a surprise.

There have also been changes at the top of Westminster’s SNP in recent months, with the arrival of Sturgeon’s ally Ian Blackford. Replaced by Stephen Flynn as leader in December.

https://news.sky.com/story/scotlands-first-minister-nicola-sturgeon-is-to-resign-12811532 Nicola Sturgeon has resigned as Scotland’s first minister, a senior source tells Sky News.political news

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