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Police release major update on exhumation of Moorish murder victim Keith Bennett

Police have ended their search for Keith Bennett, the victim of the Moorish murders, after they found no evidence of a human body.

Police began excavating the area of ​​Saddleworth last week after one author claimed to have found a skull.


Keith Bennett was murdered in 1968
Forensic officers searching the body of Keith Bennett on Saddleworth Moor


Forensic officers searching the body of Keith Bennett on Saddleworth MoorCredit: P.A.
Ailing Brady never revealed where he hid his body


Ailing Brady never revealed where he hid his body

It was hoped that this major breakthrough would finally solve a mystery that had plagued the police and his family for nearly 60 years.

However, as a blow to Keith’s family, police confirmed today that they are ending the search.

They concluded that “currently there is no evidence for the existence of human remains.”

This development means the 58-year-long mystery of where the 12-year-old boy was buried will continue.

The Story of Keith Bennett Who Died at the Hands of a Moorish Murderer
Family of victim Keith Bennett given new hope in battle to find remains

Tragically, Keith’s mother Winnie went to the grave unable to bury her son.

Ian Brady When Myra Hindley On June 16, 1964, Keith snatched it on his way to his grandmother’s house.

He was strangled by a corrupt duo and buried at Saddleworth Moor, his body has not been found.

Forensic anthropologists from Greater Manchester Police examined the samples after obtaining new information from independent archaeologists.

Author Russell Edwards told police the skull was believed to belong to a child around the age of 12, with a fully toothed upper jaw.

Investigators also noted a sample of what appeared to be clothing material buried three feet below the body.

The suspected burial site was just a few hundred yards from where the couple had buried the other victims.

Edwards said he believed Brady was trying to create a swastika shape in the grave.

Brady was obsessed with Nazis and was impressed when Hindley read Mein Kampf in the original German when he met him in Manchester.

Recalling his findings, he said:

“I was working as a gravedigger when I was 19 and the smell of death hit me.

“I was overjoyed. Then I found blue and white stripped material. Then I stopped. I put everything I found back together.”

Meanwhile, archaeologist Dawn Keane, who worked with Edwards, said:

“From the picture I could see the teeth. I could see the canines. I could see the incisors. I could see the first molars. On the left side of the upper jaw. They couldn’t be animals.”

How an Evil Couple Terrorized a Nation with a Moorish Murder

On July 12, 1963, Brady told Hindley, “I want to commit the perfect murder.”

The twisted duo then embarked on a terrifying reign of terror that saw five children slaughtered.

Hindley would often lure the children before taking them to Saddleworth Moore or the couple’s home.

Brady would then often kill them by slitting their throats or strangling them.

4 out of 5 victims sexually assaulted and murdered.

They were also beaten, abused, gagged, and posed for photographs.

The five victims are:

  • Pauline Reed, 16
  • John Kilbride, 12
  • Keith Bennett, 12 years old
  • Leslie Ann Downey, 10
  • Edward Evans, 17

In 1965, the Reign of Terror came to an end when Brady invited Hindley’s brother-in-law and friend David Smith to his home.

The monster then murdered Edward Evans – hitting him 14 times with a hatchet before strangling him to finish the job while Smith watched in horror.

Pretending to help them hide the body, Smith left, calling the police the next morning and directing them to Brady’s address.

On October 7, 1965, Superintendent Bob Talbot of the Cheshire Police arrived at the back door of 16 Wardle Brook Avenue and arrested the killer after finding Edward’s body.

Over the next few weeks, officers uncovered more evidence linking the couple to the unsolved disappearances.

A massive search operation involving 150 police officers was launched, and on October 16, Leslie Ann’s arm bones were found sticking out of the ground.

Five days later they found Kilbride’s badly decomposed corpse.

On June 30, 1987, the body of Pauline Reed was found buried three feet in the ground after Brady finally admitted to the murder.

Keith was lured into a van by Hindley, who took him to Moore’s laybye.

Brady then took him away and sexually assaulted and killed Hindley while he stood guard.

Keith’s family has been fighting ever since to retrieve the boy’s remains.

After being transferred from prison to high-security Ashworth Hospital in November 1985, Brady confessed to Keith’s murder in an interview with reporters.

A search was conducted in the wilderness a year later, Hindley joined the police in 1986 and Brady in 1987.

However, Keith’s body was never found. It became a dark secret that Brady took to the grave.

The evil Brady and Hindley murdered five children between 1963 and 1965 and terrorized the nation.

Victims Pauline Reed, 16, John Kilbride, 12, Keith Bennett, 12, Lesley Ann Downey, 10, and Edward Evans, 17, buried at Saddleworth Moor was done.

The depraved couple were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1966 for their offensive crimes.

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Hindley died in 2002, and Brady served a suicide watch sentence at Ashworth Hospital, making him Britain’s longest-serving criminal.

he Died May 15, 201779, after losing a battle with cancer.

Keith's mother Winnie died without finding her son


Keith’s mother Winnie died without finding her son
Police search for Moors in 1968.


Police search for Moors in 1968.Credit: PA: Press Association
Cops previously trawled the area for clues


Cops previously trawled the area for clues
From left: John Kilbride (12), Leslie Ann Downey (10), Edward Evans (17), Pauline Reid (16), Keith Bennett (12)


From left: John Kilbride (12), Leslie Ann Downey (10), Edward Evans (17), Pauline Reid (16), Keith Bennett (12)Credit: PA: Press Association

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/20036880/keith-bennett-major-update-police-moors-murders/ Police release major update on exhumation of Moorish murder victim Keith Bennett

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