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Prince Andrew has been accused of not doing charity work since promising to make amends for sex abuse scandal

Prince Andrew has been accused of not doing charity work since he promised to make amends for the sexual abuse scandal.

dishonorable Duke of YorkAt 61, he spends his days playing golf, riding horses and watching TV in his 31 beds. Royal Lodge House.


Prince Andrew has been accused of not doing charity work after promising to make amends for sex abuse scandalCredit: Getty
The prince paid sex abuse accuser Virginian Giuffre millions of dollars.Pictured above with Ghislaine Maxwell


The prince paid sex abuse accuser Virginian Giuffre millions of dollars.Pictured above with Ghislaine MaxwellCredit: P.A.

he Paid millions of pounds to sex abuse accuser Virginia Giuffre39, made a donation to her anti-sex trafficking charity in an out-of-court settlement in February.

According to a statement at the time, duke It would show his remorse by “helping fight the evil of sex trafficking by supporting victims.”

Some proposals to carry out philanthropic work subsequently ‘stalled’ Buckingham Palace Permission was sought, The Sun understands.

Nigel Cawthorne, author of Prince Andrew: Epstein, Maxwell and the Palace, said:

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“His reputation couldn’t be any worse and is a stain on public opinion. royal family But doing charity can give you the upper hand and show a little remorse. ”

Sources say the crown prince was keen on volunteering, but is now “losing his focus” as plans routinely go awry.

Working for a sex trafficking ring has been ruled out, and the charitable organizations with which Andrew worked closely as a royal family have since distanced themselves.

But one friend said, “There are a number of philanthropic proposals that are actively being considered.”

Andrew lost his right to use the royal role and HRH title in January.

Despite private pleas from his daughters Beatrice When eugenie,Confirmed king charles ruled that he could not return to royal or public life.

A spokesman for the Duke of York did not wish to comment last night.

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https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/20329541/prince-andrew-no-charity-work-sex-abuse-scandal/ Prince Andrew has been accused of not doing charity work since promising to make amends for sex abuse scandal

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