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Rambo the fox has finally died in Piriga State Nature Reserve in New South Wales

How a single fox called “Rambo” slaughtered endangered wildlife and outwitted human hunters for four years…and ended his reign with nature. action was required

  • Rambo wreaked havoc in the New South Wales wilderness for years

For four years, a lone fox named Rambo led countless pursuers on hilarious chases, outwitting them every step of the way.

Those looking for the last predator to live inside the fenced-in shelter of an endangered species have tried literally everything.

shooting expedition. A poisonous bait fell from the sky. A trap set in Rambo’s favorite spot.

Using a scent-tracking dog to scour the landscape for 55 days didn’t work.

So, you can understand why the news of the fox’s death in the recent flood, exaggerated or not, left his stalker euphoric yet a little ripped off.

The last photo of Rambo the red fox taken at Piriga State Nature Reserve in New South Wales

James Stevens made two attempts to catch Rambo – two years apart.

“He lives in your head.

While he’s thrilled that the presence of cunning predators will no longer hamper efforts to rewild Piriga State Nature Reserve in New South Wales, he’s sorry he didn’t win the prize. I’m thinking

“No one likes having their brains beaten by something half their size,” Stevens laughed.

There’s no doubt that Rambo was an intelligent beast, but he thinks life in the shelter was like utopia.

With plenty to eat and no competition, the fox had only one job: to avoid humans.

“When they moved a camera or installed a new camera, they took one picture of him, and he knew where the camera was, so from that point onwards it was taken. And it was exactly the same with Trap,” Stevens said.

“He ran into a trap within meters of it, then disappeared and didn’t return to the area for four, five, six weeks… until he thought it was safe.”

Australian Wildlife Sanctuary Wayne Sparrow, who helps manage the Piriga Sanctuary project, said Rambo was last caught on camera on October 9.

Ten days later, a deluge swept in, submerging the traps Stevens had carefully placed along Rambo’s favorite creek line. Another great flood came the following month.

The Pilliga State Forrest area is 5,800 hectares and is

The Pilliga State Forrest area is 5,800 hectares and is “rewild” with rare species (above).

In the absence of camera trap sightings or other indications of Rambo’s permanent presence, a provisional declaration of him gone was made on December 2nd.

Since then, no trace of him has been found through intensive surveillance, including 97 cameras operating day and night.

Wildlife officers also repeatedly raked both sides of a sandy path within the shelter before returning to check for telltale footprints.

This means that the authorities are certain that Rambo is no more.

For the endangered Bilby and Bridled Nailtail Wallabies, they have been happily breeding for several years in safe fenced breeding areas within the wider fenced reserve. Great news.

“Rambo is gone. We were able to open up the breeding fence and give access to the entire 5,800-hectare site,” Sparrow said.

Brushtail betons have also been reintroduced, and research on the next species, Plainsmouth and Shark Bay Bandicoot, may begin later this year.

When it comes to proving what native wildlife can do by eliminating wild predators, one statistic stands out.

“We currently have no foxes, no cats in over three years, no goats in over two years, and no pigs,” Sparrow added.

“And if you look at the most abundant small mammal, the yellowfin atechinus, it’s 10 times more likely to be inside the fence than outside.” Rambo the fox has finally died in Piriga State Nature Reserve in New South Wales

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