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Residents demand an independent inquiry into the role of Congress before the deadly fire.London

Pressure is mounting for an independent inquiry into the London Borough’s role in Tower Hamlet. Fatal fire in overcrowded apartment Ten officials and councilors are said to have been aware of the problem.

As the Terling West Property Residents Association indicated they knew the two-bedroom flat at Maddox House was overcrowded before the fire broke out on March 5. Visible Rahman, who released excerpts of correspondence from council officials dating back to last summer, took Mizanur’s life.

A tenant said he was one of at least 18 men of Bangladeshi descent whose bunk beds had been jammed by the apartment owner and charged him £100 a week. The cause of the fire is believed to be a faulty electric bicycle battery.

Residents of the property said, “Over the past three years, we have raised specific complaints about overcrowding, continuous leaks, and other issues that have arisen particularly from the precarious conditions at 18 Maddox House.”

Mizanur Rahman dies in hospital after being rescued from fire by firefighters

The council approved the apartment as a multi-occupation residence for no more than three people in August.

In a four-page document named by city council officials, a housing officer and an alderman, they acknowledged the problem and called for an investigation into alleged “negligence” by the city council.

On Monday, the council announced it would launch a criminal investigation under the Housing Act, which had previously carried out enforcement against private property in the council block, and said it was “shocking that Mizanur Rahman lost his life.” It was a target,” he said.

However, Hussein Ismail, a spokesman for the Maddox House Support Group, who is currently caring for the survivors at the hotel, said: The effect of investigating yourself. Boroughs and Towers He is Hamletz He fears that when Holmes’ dignitaries take responsibility, they will deflect responsibility. ”

In June last year, the repair manager confirmed that “an inspection was conducted by the Department of Environmental Health last year and the property was found to be occupied by multiple residents,” according to an excerpt of the dossier. Another official at Tower Hamlets Homes, a management agency at arms length, said leaks from the bathrooms into the property below were partly “No 18 Maddox”. A city council official said in November that the apartment had been visited by London’s fire brigade the previous month and was “overcrowded and in poor condition”.

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Firefighters confirmed they visited the Maddox mansion in October, but were unable to immediately confirm what the firefighters claimed to have seen.

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets said it was “opening a criminal investigation under the Housing Act and while this is ongoing, specific details cannot be entered.” We must give the officers time to gather evidence.We would like to speak to anyone who has information about this case and we would like to contact the Council on 020-7364 5000. It is recommended.”

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/15/residents-demand-independent-inquiry-into-councils-role-before-fatal-fire Residents demand an independent inquiry into the role of Congress before the deadly fire.London

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