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Romford School Awarded for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

Gidea Park’s Royal Liberty School received an Award of Excellence from Learning Workz, a tool designed to help increase diversity and inclusion in schools.

The school will discuss diversity with student voice panels at every meeting, create diversity-themed exhibits in each subject area, and have designated diversity leaders as part of its staff. Efforts such as this were evaluated.

This Is Local London: A glass trophy given to schools in recognition of their achievementsA glass trophy presented to the school in honor of its achievements (Image: Royal Free School)

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Anthony Peltier, Director of Learning Workz, visited the school to deliver the glass trophy and talk to staff and students about the school’s efforts.

Lee Raftery, Principal of The Royal Liberty, said:

A school spokesperson added that future plans include giving the governor responsibility for leading and promoting diversity, and achieving the Educational Diversity Mark, also led by Learning Workz, by the end of the year. I was.

https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23370885.romford-school-awarded-promoting-diversity-inclusion/?ref=rss Romford School Awarded for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

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