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Sex education suspended in Isle of Man school after drag queen told students there were ’73 genders’

Sex education was suspended on the Isle of Man after a drag queen guest speaker told 11-year-olds there were 73 genders and expelled those who said they only had two.

  • Independent review launched at Queen Elizabeth II High School
  • This review comes after parents expressed concerns about sex education classes

Schools suspended their sex education curriculum after a drag queen guest reportedly told students there were 73 genders and kicked a child out of the classroom who claimed there were “only two.”

Independent review initiated Queen Elizabeth II At a high school in Peel, Isle of Man, 7th graders were left “traumatized” after being taught about sex reassignment surgery and sex.

A review of the school’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum, led by the island’s government, came after parents expressed concerns about the lessons.

Concerns center around the “graphic, disproportionate, and obscene presentation” of sexual conduct. sex the identities that children are taught, Telegraph report.

A drag queen teaches children, including an 11-year-old, that there are 73 genders.

Queen Elizabeth II High School in Peel, Isle of Man has launched an independent review.

When the student said, “There are only two of us,” the drag queen kicked the child out of the classroom.

Children were also taught about oral and anal sex, while another group was informed about sex reassignment surgery and how skin grafts can be used in penile prostheses.

One teacher was also said to have had to teach 7th and 8th grade students how to masturbate.

Marown Commissioners vice chairman Eliza Cox told Energy FM Isle of Man: As a parent, you don’t know what your children are being taught.

A petition addressed to school principals has now been launched by parents calling for an “immediate investigation” of classes.

“We believe it is totally inappropriate to have a ‘drag queen’ present in the class and to alienate students who are clearly confused about the information discussed in this session.

At the heart of the concern is the

At the heart of the concern is the “raw, disproportionate and obscene representation” of sexual activity and gender identity.

“How, who and why was this guest speaker allowed to discuss gender issues to an inappropriate audience of children by adults with no experience or training?”

The Isle of Man government says it has launched an independent review to understand what happened.

That was after the island introduced a new sex education curriculum in September.

Charlotte Clark, the school’s principal, said, “I have seen videos related to the school’s RSE curriculum and its implementation currently circulating on social media, and it is possible that there are many errors in the information being shared. I am concerned that there is

“Given the concerns raised, we have requested an independent review of the situation to remain open and transparent.

“Therefore, I am pleased to participate in the independent review being conducted by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Education said, “Schools are committed to ensuring that all content they use is factual and age-appropriate, and to working with parents to ensure that children are informed about what is being taught. It must be recognizable.

“We will be writing to all schools this semester, emphasizing the right of parents to see materials being taught to their children at school.”

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11800751/Sex-education-suspended-Isle-Man-school-drag-queen-tells-pupil-73-genders.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 Sex education suspended in Isle of Man school after drag queen told students there were ’73 genders’

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