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Share tips on beautiful modern structures in Europe – Earn Holiday Vouchers | Travel


We welcome tips on recent design jewelry from elsewhere in the UK and Europe, such as the Flagship Museum, art galleries, new bridges, eco-friendly homes and office buildings.

You may be amazed at the jagged outlines of the Riverside Museum in Glasgow, the buildings of the deconstructivist Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris, and the fragmentary look of the Bodegas Isios Winery in Spain. Don’t forget to visit the building or building and why it was so attractive. The more personal the hint, the more likely it is to be on the candidate list.

If you have any related photos, please send them – But it is your words that are judged For competition..

Make the hint about 100 words

The best tips of the week, chosen by travel expert Tom Hall, are Earn £ 200 Voucher to Stay Sodas property – The company has more than 3,000 companies in the UK and Europe. The best tips will be posted on the Guardian Travel website and probably on paper.

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I’m sorry, but for legal reasons You must be a UK resident Participate in this contest.

The contest ends at 9am on Tuesday, May 17th. BST

See past winners and other tips

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Share tips on beautiful modern structures in Europe – Earn Holiday Vouchers | Travel

Source link Share tips on beautiful modern structures in Europe – Earn Holiday Vouchers | Travel

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