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Survive 60 days and try to beat the record time spent on the loneliest island in the world

An adventurer has set out to spend record time on the world’s loneliest island by “DJing” to a radio amateur.

Cam Cameron’s goal is to survive 60 days in windswept Rockall. 15 days more than the previous maximum number of days.


Adventurer Chris Cameron has landed on Rockall to break the world record for longest stay.Credit: P.A.
Rockall is a remote and uninhabited rock formation in the North Atlantic Ocean in the Outer Hebredes.


Rockall is a remote and uninhabited rock formation in the North Atlantic Ocean in the Outer Hebredes.Credit: PA: Press Association

Of the 110 people who landed there over 200 years, only a handful survived more than one night.

An island 100 feet wide and 70 feet high, 330 miles west of the island. Outer Hebrides A world record wave of 95 feet was recorded in 2000, following the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

Ex-soldier Cam lives in a pod on an 11-foot by 4-foot ledge.

The marine biologist arrived on the island five days ago by boat with two friends and spent two nights broadcasting from the island to radio hams around the world.

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he hopes to raise £50,000 army philanthropy due to his stay.

Cam said:lockdown It left me feeling remote, isolated and lonely.

“That made me think, ‘Can I challenge myself more and do something better?'” Rochor appeared. “

Ex-soldier Chris wants to raise money for military charity


Ex-soldier Chris wants to raise money for military charityCredit: P.A.

https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/22572000/adventurer-cam-cameron-spend-record-rockall-worlds-loneliest-island/ Survive 60 days and try to beat the record time spent on the loneliest island in the world

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