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Teachers strike by Suhaiba Khan of EGLA

The news comes as a new poll of 8,200 teachers conducted by the Daily Survey app found that 14% of schools plan to close all students, and 44% of teachers said they would ‘ said the school will be closed. Polls show London schools are most likely to be disrupted, with 23% of teachers saying schools will be closed for all students.

Some may be wondering what a teacher strike is. Teachers are on strike because of a dispute over their salaries. NEU members want him to raise his salary by 12%, but the government is proposing only a 5% raise for him. Unions claim teacher wages have fallen 24 percent since 2010 due to inflation. It represents teachers across the education sector.

This includes school teachers, higher education instructors, support staff, teaching assistants, supply and agency teachers. Its members also include staff working in educational support services, alternative education delivery settings, and initial settings.

In addition, schools across England are said to be on strike more often in the following days.

  • Wednesday, March 1
  • Wednesday, March 15th
  • Wednesday, March 16th

https://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/23319985.teachers-strike-suhaiba-khan-egla/?ref=rss Teachers strike by Suhaiba Khan of EGLA

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