Home Lifestyle The Best Meat Boxes for Christmas 2021

The Best Meat Boxes for Christmas 2021


It’s the most wonderful (and delicious) time of the year, so here’s how to get your meat fix this Christmas

Winter is coming and Christmas is fast approaching. It feels like no sooner have the pumpkins and trick or treat sweets left our shelves that it’s time to dig out the baubles, tinsel and mistletoe, and start singing along to our favourite Christmas tunes.

And the earlier you can get organised for the festive season, the less of a hassle it will be. Making preparations now will save you from the usual December headaches down the line, meaning you can simply enjoy the festivities without the pressures of getting everything ready to go at the last minute.

From music and decorations to social plans and presents, there is certainly a lot to think about when it comes to creating the best Christmas ever, but arguably the most important aspect of any festive celebration is the food.

The quality of the food on offer at Christmas, and particularly the meat, can make or break a festive occasion. Enjoying all your favourite foods is by far the one of the best things about the festive season, and many of the most iconic Christmas meals centre around having high quality meat on offer – including Christmas dinner itself.

Which is why Christmas meat boxes are becoming so popular. These handy hampers bring you luxury, high quality meat selections that you can enjoy without having to brave the shops at the busiest time of year. In fact, Christmas meat boxes can be delivered straight to your door for maximum convenience.

We’re going to take a closer look at some of the best meat boxes for Christmas 2021, as well as exploring the importance of having the right meat on the table come Christmas day. From deciding the best meat for the big day to looking at the benefits of Christmas meat boxes, here’s everything you need to know to make sure that this Christmas is as rewarding, and tasty, as possible.

The Christmas meat debate

It’s one of the biggest debates of the festive season – what should you serve for dinner on Christmas day? Everyone has their own preference when it comes to Christmas meat, and there’s no right or wrong answer.

The traditional choice is, of course, turkey. It’s undoubtedly the most popular option if you’re looking to create a classic Christmas feast. However, other poultry options like duck, chicken and even pigeon or pheasant can make for a delicious and slightly different kind of Christmas dinner.

And you aren’t just limited to poultry either. Lamb, beef and ham are all great options when it comes to your Christmas roast, helping you create a hearty meal that suits everyone.

The great thing about Christmas meat boxes is that they give you a range of cuts and animals to choose from, so you aren’t limited to what’s trending on the supermarket shelves. From festive ham to tender duck, you can have your pick of the cuts when opting for a festive meat hamper, ensuring you’re well stocked up for the entire holiday season.

What to look for in a Christmas meat box

Meat delivery boxes can help you save money and time during the busiest and most expensive shopping period of year, but it’s important to look for the very best options when browsing for a Christmas meat hamper.

First and foremost, you want to make sure the meat is of a high standard. Research different butchers and make sure you’re choosing an option that prides itself on high quality cuts. Grass fed meat contains more nutrients than grain fed, so this is definitely a feature to watch out for.

You’ll also want to look for ethical farmers too. Both in terms of sustainability and animal welfare, ethics are important. Free range meat is an indication that the animals have been treated fairly and kindly (more on that below.)

As well as all this, you want to make sure you have plenty of choice. It’s all well and good finding meat boxes with high quality meat, but if you only have a couple of options to choose from, you may still not find what you’re looking for. Seek out farmers with plenty of hamper choices available. Even better, some farmers provide bespoke services that let you pick and choose the items you want to include in your Christmas meat box. This helps you to make sure everyone is happy.

Meat boxes can make the perfect gift for friends and family alike

We’ve talked about how meat boxes are great for helping you stay stocked up over Christmas, but they’re also a fantastic option if you’re looking for gifts for friends and family. Many people don’t treat themselves to high quality cuts of meat very often, so a hamper of all their favourite festive meats and foods is a really special gift idea. Consider buying a delicious and luxurious meat box to truly make someone’s Christmas.

Are meat boxes worth it?

So what exactly makes a meat box so special? Granted, you can always just brave your local supermarket for your meat needs, but there is something truly precious about receiving a hamper of the highest quality meats and festive favourites.

The meat found in high quality meat boxes is often grass fed, meaning it is thought to contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants compared to grain fed animals. Grass fed meat also helps to support biodiversity, so you are doing your part. The animals reared for meat boxes are usually free range too, meaning that they are left to roam freely and enjoy the great outdoors for at least part of the day.

Meat boxes often boast organic meat, which helps to ensure that the farming methods used are as sustainably as possible. This method of farming helps to protect natural resources like fresh water and healthy soil, as well as encouraging wildlife and avoiding pollution from artificial chemicals. High welfare meat helps to ensure that the animals are given the very best quality of life.

What’s more, opting for meat boxes gives you a much broader spectrum to consider when it comes to meat options. You might be able to easily find chicken or beef at the supermarket, but you’ll struggle to locate options like veal, venison, pheasant and pigeon on their shelves. Meat boxes give you a much wider selection, meaning you can think outside the box and really enjoy a variety of food options this Christmas. Meat box farmers are shifting away from large-scale commercial livestock, with many sticking to old fashioned breeds like Red Ruby and Aberdeen Angus.

In short, meat boxes offer the best of both worlds, giving you access to more sustainable meat options while also allowing you to enjoy the highest quality meats at fantastic value for money.

There are plenty of options out there when it comes to shopping for Christmas meat boxes, so it’s important to take your time and shop around. Luckily, we’re here to help. Keep reading to see our top picks for both festive breakfasts, and the best meat box for Christmas 2021. This will help you make this Christmas the best one yet.

The best meat boxes for festive breakfasts

Meat isn’t just for dinnertime, it can also help to create a delicious and indulgent breakfast. And there’s no better time to indulge than during the festive season.

So as well as looking for the best meat boxes for Christmas dinner, you can also look for great hampers for a tasty family breakfast. For this, brands like The Ginger Pig have got you covered. Their Ginger Pig Breakfast Box includes everything you need for a special breakfast or a festive brunch.

This very affordably priced meat box contains generously sixes smoked bacon, long chipolatas and black pudding, and if you live within the M25 you’ll also get half a dozen free range eggs too, and everyone received a bottle of the brand’s own homemade spicy ketchup.

All you need to complete your breakfast is a glass of fruit juice and some toast, and you’re good to go. What better way to start the day on Christmas morning, or to ease yourself into a lazy Boxing Day? It might not be something you want to indulge in every day over the festive season, but the occasional meaty brunch will help to make this Christmas feel extra special.

The best meat boxes for Christmas 2021

But of course, the most important meat purchases for Christmas centre around the big dinner itself, so you’ll want to prioritise looking for festive meat boxes that contain everything you need for Christmas dinner, as well as any meat options to enjoy over the festive period.

For this, you need look no further than the Dorset Meat Company. They create Christmas meat hampers that are delivered across the UK, and you can fill your festive meat box with the finest, flavoursome, grass fed meat, as well as the highest quality and most delicious outdoor reared poultry and wild game. This will help to make sure your Christmas dinner is a cut above.

Best of all, these meat boxes are bespoke, so you can choose what goes in to suit your tastes perfectly. From pork and ham joints to grass fed lamb and high welfare local sausages, these are the perfect option to see you through the festive season. And of course, what would Christmas be without poultry or game? Christmas meat boxes from the Dorset Meat Company include the option of KellyBronze free range whole turkeys, turkey crowns and boneless turkey crown breasts to act as the perfect centre piece for your Christmas dinner table.  And let’s not forget free range whole chicken, as well as free range duck. Other options include wild wood pigeon and even whole pheasant.

As well as an unrivalled selection of meat, these meat boxes also come with a fantastic selection of festive extras, including award winning British cheeses, goose fat, English mustard, rich redcurrant jelly, ploughman’s pickle, onion chutney, piccalilli, Dorset pies and more!

Beat the Christmas stress with high quality meat delivered straight to your door

It’s no secret that last year was hardly the most exciting Christmas ever. With COVID-19 restrictions in full swing and many people stressed, lonely and stuck in lockdown or self-isolation, it didn’t really feel all that festive.

Understandably, we all want to make up for it this year by making Christmas bigger and better than ever – and having the right food is a big part of that. Invest in a Christmas meat hamper to make sure you can enjoy the most delicious and decadent Christmas meals this festive season, all while avoiding the hustle and bustle of the supermarkets in December. Now that’s something to get excited about!