Home Lifestyle The Best Tips to Remember When Planning Your Kid’s Birthday Party

The Best Tips to Remember When Planning Your Kid’s Birthday Party


As any parent or guardian will tell you, planning a kid’s birthday party is a lot of effort – especially if you invite their friends! For some parents or guardians, it can be fun and exciting to plan a birthday, but it can be downright nerve-wracking for other parents where planning doesn’t come naturally. And it’s true – you have a lot to consider, from the budget to the timeline to the activities and the guest list. Of course, you also have to consider the venue – and popular locations like entertainment centres and soft play venues are always fully booked, so here’s one tip: book one in advance! But what else should you think about when planning your kid’s birthday party? Here are some best tips to remember.

  1. Timing is important!

The first step is to time everything so you can be sure that the guests will make it. Consider your timing carefully if your kid has a birthday close to a significant holiday, like Easter, Christmas, or the summer holidays when many families are away. Also, consider the time of the day. If your child is only 3 or 4 years old, having a late afternoon or evening event won’t make sense. If you have older kids, an afternoon event will make more sense.

  1. Choose a theme

One of the best things you can do to make it easier for yourself to plan your kid’s party is to choose a theme. That way, everything centres around that theme! And a theme is great at building up excitement. So ensure your theme is carried out throughout – from the invitations to the costumes to the cake and décor to the activities. One excellent theme you can have is a carnival or funfair theme, and depending on your child’s age, you can opt for funfair stalls for hire, along with rides and games. The theme can make or break your birthday party, and make sure to think about the age of your child and their likes and dislikes before choosing a theme.

  1. Make it short

Truth be told, any good and successful kid’s birthday party does not need to last long – it can extend a few hours, give or take. And a lot can be done during those few hours – you can cut the cake, do several activities, eat food, and participate in games. So here’s a tip: if you have a kid in nursery or kindergarten, speak to their teachers to find out what kinds of games and activities are on-trend. This can help you plan your kid’s birthday party and decide on the appropriate games and activities.

  1. Keep it sweet and simple

You don’t have to go all out at your kid’s birthday party – in fact, most children will love what you have prepared, so keep it sweet and simple. You don’t have to go over the top with food, either – children love things (including food) with which they are familiar, and try not to overstimulate them with a whole assortment of games and activities. You could very well end up with kids having tantrums, which is definitely a no-no! Some children may prefer healthy alternatives, so make sure you have that. Alternatively, you can have cupcakes instead of a whole cake as they are easier to hold and handle. Image attributed to Pixabay.com