Home Lifestyle The Top Psychics to See in 2022

The Top Psychics to See in 2022


Trust your intuition and find the best psychic for you. This list of psychics includes some of the top psychic mediums in the world, so it should be easy to find someone who connects with you on a deep level! Each one has its own unique style and specialty. If you are looking for help with love, career or finance, these people will have answers for you.

Top 6 Psychics to See In 2022 based on juneauempire.com.

In 2022, there are a few psychics worth seeing. This post will take you through the top 6 to give your time in this coming year to give some good energy.

  1. Elizabeth Joyce

The first psychic to see is Elizabeth Joyce. She has a deep connection with the supernatural and can help you get in touch with loved ones who have passed. She is also great with love and relationships, so she would be a good choice if you are struggling in that area of your life.

She can tell you where to find true happiness and how to avoid bad energy from getting into your path for the New Year. If finding success or self-improvement is what you seek, Elizabeth Joyce will help show you the way.

  1. Victoria Crawford

The second psychic worth seeing is Victoria Crawford. This woman has over 20 years of experience as a medium and spiritual guide, which gives her an edge on many other people who claim these titles but don’t have such credentials behind them! Her specialty deals with past lives and karma, along with helping those suffering loss through transitioning spirits.

Victoria Crawford knows how to help you resolve any karmic issues you may have and give you closure in regards to your past. She can also offer insights into what the future may hold for you, so be sure to consult with her if that is something you are curious about.

  1. Christine Payne-Towler

If you’re looking for a psychic who can help you get in touch with your intuition and guide you on your spiritual journey, then look no further than Christine Payne-Towler. This woman has been practicing Tarot reading and energy healing since 1978. She understands the human psyche and knows how to help people from all walks of life find their way back to their true selves.

Christine Payne-Towler will help guide you through times of change and uncertainty in your personal life or career. She can also offer insights into relationships – whether they are current, past or potential ones! If you want someone who can offer holistic advice, Christine is your go-to psychic.

  1. Johanne Agneessens

If you are looking for a psychic who can connect with you on a deep level, then Johanne Agneessens is the one for you. She has over 20 years of experience in the industry and specializes in readings that help to improve your life path.

Johanne Agneessens will be able to help guide you through difficult times and give you clarity about what the future may hold. Her readings often focus on areas such as love, relationships, career and finance – so she can help you with any area of your life that is causing you concern or confusion.

  1. Laurie Campbell

If giving back is something that is important to you, then consider seeing Laurie Campbell. This woman offers free services to underprivileged and homeless people, as well as to those who are suffering from addiction or abuse. Laurie Campbell is also a great choice for readings related to family issues, such as adoption or fertility.

She has a compassionate heart and wants to help others in whatever way she can. Her readings often provide people with hope and guidance during difficult times – so if you need some support, Laurie Campbell should be your go-to psychic.

  1. Maria Shaw

If you want to see a psychic who is known for her accuracy, then you should definitely visit Maria Shaw. This woman has over 25 years of experience in the industry and is known for her ability to connect with loved ones who have passed on.

Maria Shaw will be able to give you insights into your past and future. She will be able to tell you about your deceased family members who want to connect with you, as well as give advice on how to resolve any issues they may have had while passing over.

Her readings are compassionate and insightful – so don’t hesitate if you need some guidance through a difficult time in your life or the lives.


The psychics listed in this article are just some of the top-rated mediums who will be available to help you with your psychic reading needs. There is no need to go through a guessing game or search for that one perfect person, as they are all waiting ready and willing to provide insight into what lies ahead for you so it’s time to take action. Whether you want someone close by or thousands of miles away, these people have got you covered. You can even find out how much each individual charge per minute before booking your appointment which makes it easier than ever before to make an informed decision about where best use your hard earn money. What do YOU think? Have any questions for us? Let’s chat now.