Home Articles Spain is still a haven for British retirees

Spain is still a haven for British retirees


Spain has long been a destination of choice for British retirees looking for somewhere to relax and spend their time once they have finished with work. With its beautiful climate, stunning views and delicious food, there are a whole plethora of reasons why it is a fantastic place to head. If you are considering heading to Spain to see out your retirement, we have put together some top reasons why it’s one of the best things you will ever do. 

They can cater for all your needs

Due to the large number of retirees who have moved to Spain, there is a specialist network of companies that are designed to serve the needs of British people in Spain that has been developed. This has been developed in English and has a range of services and products developed especially for them. This includes communications such as through Tiekom, medical services and assistance with both renting and purchasing homes when you are out in Spain.

There are some amazing properties to rent or buy

When in Spain there are a host of incredible properties for you to rent out or purchase depending on your needs. You can choose to live in an apartment in a big block or one with just a couple of other homes in it. You can enjoy a beachfront location where you can watch the sun coming up over the ocean and hear the waves breaking on the shore, or somewhere in the middle of a town or city. 

There are many different places to live

Spain is a melting pot of culture and things to do and there are many spots that have a high number of British residents. This will help you to feel right at home. Some of the areas with the highest numbers of British residents in Spain include Andalusia, Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands. Have a look into each of these islands and decide which one appeals to you most when choosing the one that you will settle on. Each has different qualities and factors that will appeal to you and suit your lifestyle.

It has a laidback lifestyle

One of the best things about Spain is that it has a very laid back lifestyle that is ideal when you have retired and want to relax and enjoy a slower-paced life. You can spend your days wandering through markets, dining and drinking at your leisure and exploring the many beautiful sights and attractions that Spain has to offer. You could also enjoy a little afternoon siesta should you fancy!

These are just a few of the reasons why Spain is still a haven for British retirees. If you are considering moving to Spain once you retire, there are so many reasons to do so. Be sure to do your research ahead of time and find the best place for you to live that will suit what you are after. Consider if you want to be near the beach or in a town and how accessible it will be for you to get to places such as the shops.