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Top 7 Features of Writing Essay in Spanish


There are different kinds of writing features that people use when writing an essay in Spanish. Some of these features make the writing good while others seem not to be much impressive even though some people use them. The different results are due to the non-existence of an organized program or formula that people can follow when writing essays. However, even if people differ in writing qualities, there are still some features they cannot afford to miss in their writing. The features are what make the writing look good and attract more readers. Here are the top seven features by Omnipapers that you can use to write an essay in Spanish with an excellent look to attract more readers.

#1 Adequate Research

This is the first element to begin with if you want to write a good essay in Spanish. It involves doing good research to perfectly understand the knowledge about the topic you want to write about. This will help you in proving the topic you want readers to capture from your essay. When you conduct good research on the topic, it will be easier for you to convince your readers with the idea, point, or argument in your writing. You can do your research from different sources such as the internet, audio, book or video lectures, lecture slides, class notes, etc.

#2 Draft an outline of the Essay

After completing your research on the topic, the next step is to outline the essay. This will help you cover all the points that are needed in your essay. In addition, it will help you in arranging the essay points to ensure that all the points follow each other in an orderly manner. When outlining the topics of your essay, you should follow the format below;

* Introduction that is written in a simple statement so that readers can easily interpret its meaning and the topic.

* Body paragraphs should also be written with subtopic sentences and detailed explanations to support the subtopic.

* The conclusion should summarize the topic you are writing about.

Note that your outline should not be muchly detailed. A perfect outline of an essay should contain critical ideas to be discussed in the essay and the order in which they will be discussed. Once your outline is complete, you can now begin writing the main essay.

#3 Introduction

The introduction is the first key aspect of an essay that every writer must begin with to produce good writing. The introduction part of the essay should be a short paragraph explaining the main topic you want to cover. When you are introducing your essay topic, you should make it as much strength as possible to attract the attention of your readers. Remember that it is the introduction part of the essay that sets the tone of your writing to attract the interest of your readers.

#4 Body

After the introduction, you now move to the main body of your essay. The body should be a strong one as it carries the main content of the topic with detailed explanations. The body of the essay is the part that contains the evidence of the topic of discussion. It should take nearly three-quarters of your writing. It is where you will share all the ideas you gathered from your research about the topic in a detailed form.

#5 Conclusion

This is a short paragraph that summarizes your essay. It is a closing paragraph of the essay that should also be short and precise. When writing your conclusion paragraph, ensure it is as brief as possible with solid sentences which highlight your main ideas in the essay.

#6 Editing and Proofreading

This is a feature that is most important in every essay writing. It helps you remove grammatical errors from your writing. It also helps you remove other spelling mistakes and logical errors you encounter when writing. The proofreading process should be done immediately after writing before you finally submit your essay. It will make your essay free from any errors and easy to read.

#7 Self Reading

After conducting the proofreading, you also need to sit back and have a look at your essay. This will help you improve your writing skills. It will also help you check some minor errors in the essay which you might have missed during your editing time. Such errors include spacing errors, punctuation mistakes, and inconsistency in your writing.


A perfect essay should have the features mentioned in the article to attract readers’ attention. When you include the elements above, you will be able to craft and write a good essay that matches the interest of readers.