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Transgender group loses lawsuit over gay rights charity status

A transgender rights group lost a lawsuit disqualified from philanthropy by a gay rights group. It is believed to be the first lawsuit of its kind in the UK.

Mermaids, which helps transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse children and their families, had appealed the court’s decision. charity committee give LGB Alliance We will start charity work in 2021.

It is believed to be the first time that a charity in the UK has asked another group to be stripped of its philanthropic status.

We have determined that the law does not allow Mermaids to challenge the Charity Commission’s decision to register the LGB Alliance as a charity.

Judge Lynn Griffin

two-judge committee of the General Regulatory Chamber of London At a short online hearing on Thursday, it ruled that the appeal was dismissed.

Judge Lynn Griffin said, “This appeal is dismissed. We decided that the law does not allow Mermaids to challenge the Charity Commission’s decision to register the LGB Alliance as a charity. I dismissed the appeal.”

The LGB Alliance describes itself as a charity that promotes the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual people “based on sex, not gender”, believing that gender transitions are driven primarily by homophobia. there is

At a hearing last year, LGB Alliance co-founder Bev Jackson said the LGB Alliance shares the views of the authors of Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling “Without sex, there is no same-sex attraction.”

“Anti-Lesbian stigma and fear have led many teens, especially lesbians, to struggle with a new lesbian/gay sexual orientation,” Jackson said. They believe they have a ‘gender identity’ problem.”

Dr. Belinda Bell, president of Mermaids, accused the LGB Alliance of trying to “undermine” the work of charities such as Mermaids and Stonewall.

Dr. Bell’s statement at last year’s hearing included, “A core goal of the LGB Alliance is the work of various organizations that claim to have promoted transgender rights to the detriment of women, children and LGB people. is to undermine the

Furthermore, the LGB Alliance “has repeatedly stated publicly that the Mermaids seek to unfairly force LGB children to be transgender,” adding that the allegations are “false and the Mermaids’ ongoing It is detrimental to our activities,” he said.

Separately, a charity commission investigation into Mermaid was launched last December and is ongoing after new concerns about the organization’s governance and controls were identified.

https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/lgb-alliance-charity-commission-jk-rowling-london-b2370444.html Transgender group loses lawsuit over gay rights charity status

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