Home Health What is Cannabidiol (CBD) What You Need To Know?

What is Cannabidiol (CBD) What You Need To Know?


Nowadays the market is full of CBD commodities to explore and purchase. As a CBD user, it’s critical to comprehend what Cannabidiol (CBD) is and how to determine which products are best for you. We’re here to assist you with doing that.

What Is CBD? 

Cannabis is a plant of the Cannabaceae family, which is made up of more than eighty biologically active chemical compounds. Two notable compounds from the Cannabis plant are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). Quite often, these two are confused as one another, though they have striking differences. Many people associate both compounds with marijuana, it’s important to understand the differences.

Cannabidiol and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol act in various manners and on various receptors in your cerebrum and your body. THC is known for its intoxicating impacts and the ability to give a “high” when consumed. On the contrary, CBD is non-inebriating and won’t enable you to encounter a “high” while utilizing topically or ingesting.

As of late, CBD has grown immensely in popularity, as research has begun to show the benefits of the Cannabis plant and the multitude of uses. Many find that CBD can be profoundly helpful when added to cosmetic items and wellness products alike.

In 2014, the Farm Bill passed and popularized the understanding of industrial hemp and the understanding that CBD is derived from hemp that has 0.3% or less of THC. Additionally, the 2014 Farm Bill made CBD federally legal to grow. After revisions and the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, the USDA established new standards for growing and extracting industrial hemp. Additionally, the passing of the 2018 legally removed CBD from the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) list of controlled substances. These two monumental moments in CBD history helped to popularize CBD and encourage people to begin seeking out the benefits of Cannabis’ plant power.

Advantages of CBD 

Many believe that the benefits of CBD vival that of modern medicinal power. Rightfully so, research has shown that CBD benefits are vast and rather all-encompassing. Specially, the might plant power is praised for its innate ability to simultaneously calm and rejuvenate your body. Researchers believe that CBD can have a positive impact on the symptoms of medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and insomnia.

Further, scientists have suggested that CBD can benefit numerous health conditions. Its popularity has grown tremendously amongst long-time users of medical marijuana, who wish to have the benefits of the Cannabis plant without experience the psychoactive effects of marijuana or who wish to not inhale smoke.

Additionally, research has been conducted that shows cannabidiol products can have therapeutic effects by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (or PPARs). PPARs are located on the nucleus of the cell, and once activated, produce anti-proliferative effects which are believed to encourage tumor regression in the human lung cell line. Also, research regarding PPARs suggests that they can help regulate genes participating in homeostasis, lipid uptake, insulin sensitivity, as well as metabolic functions.

How Should I Use CBD? 

Many people choose to use CBD because of its versatility providing numerous methods of consumption.

Those that chose to utilize CBD topical items usually reach for them because they are simple and easy to use. For benefits, the user should apply the topical product directly to the area of concern. Recent studies and improvement have enabled the creation of high-quality topical products that users can implement into the routine without having the consume CBD orally. Moreover, these products continue to gain popularity because of the ease of replacing their current daily products with ones that contain CBD. For example, products such as Muscle Salve, Hydrating Body Lotion, Lip Balm, Hand + Foot Cream, Bath Salts, and Essential Oils are great switches. We recommend trying Brown’s CBD, they are best in the CBD business for over the years now!

Additionally, many love to consume CBD through tinctures. Typically CBD tinctures are made by combining Cannabidiol with hemp oil (or comparable oil). Tinctures can be consumed by placing a dropperful of product under your tongue and holding the product there for 30-6 seconds. Many people prefer this method of ingesting CBD because of its enhanced ability to process CBD rapidly. If you wish to maximize the effectiveness of CBD tinctures, you should look for a water soluble formula as opposed to an oil based one.

Last but not lease, we can’t forget about CBD edibles! This form of CBD is one of the most popular forms available. The popularity is credited to their easy and consistent dosage, as well as the common perception that CBD edibles often taste great! Generally speaking, CBD gummies are praised for use of preventative care and their relaxing properties that help encourage a restful night’s sleep.