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What it’s like for today’s students to rule school with trance hysteria: A 14-year-old girl speaks out

She is 14 years old and attends a coeducational secondary school in the South East of England. There she says she identifies one child in her 10 of her years as transgender or nonbinary.After becoming increasingly upset by school acceptance transgender Ideology, this schoolgirl has decided to expose the truth about life in the ongoing culture war.

The other day, I went to the school office to pick up the new timetable. The teacher I spoke to used the pronoun “they/them” about me and asked another staff member, “They lost their timetable. Can you give me a new timetable?”

He knows me well and it’s clear that I’m a girl. I was furious that he only said “she”. But it’s not just weird teachers here and there. I am regularly asked if I am in the process of transitioning.

The school has a gender-neutral uniform policy and many girls wear trousers.

The fact that a girl likes playing video games, or doesn’t like feminine clothing and makeup, is enough to be considered potentially transgender. The teacher apologized when I complained about being called a transphobic, but explained that he was being cautious in case I transitioned. I said I was stepping on an egg shell.

After becoming increasingly upset that her school embraced transgender ideology, this schoolgirl decided to reveal the truth about life amid the ongoing culture wars.

It feels like everyone is talking only about trance. The library has a section dedicated to LGBTQQIA+ books, and the school entrance has a pride display with a rainbow flag and ‘nonbinary’, ‘polysexual’, ‘demiboy’, ‘demigirl’ and ‘pan Words and terms such as “sexual” are used. ‘. These are words that come up in class. I’m currently in 10th grade and the other day a girl in my English class asked me if the Greek god Zeus was male or female.

Another teacher recently said that Lady Macbeth is “neither male nor female.” I think most parents don’t know this is being taught to their children.

So I’m glad that Secretary of Education Gillian Keegan is going to tell schools that they need to be more open about how they handle transgender issues. prize. If so, I will lose my friend.

That is why I have decided to speak here without revealing my real name.

When I entered secondary school four years ago, I didn’t even know what “transgender” meant. It wasn’t a topic in elementary school or at home. But within a few days we were told by his PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) class teacher that using any of the “offensive words” on a long list would result in “transphobia”. I was told that it would be considered “Gender Bender” and “Butch”.

I didn’t know what transphobia meant, but it was definitely something I didn’t want to be seen. We believed what our teacher told us was true.

Within days of entering secondary school, a student is told by a PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) class teacher that using

Within days of entering secondary school, the student was told by his PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) class teacher that he would be considered “transphobic” if he used “offensive language” for a long period of time. I have been told. Lists containing ‘gender bender’ and ‘butch’

But I asked my mother later. She is a feminist and critical of her students being dictated. She said it often depends on how you use the language.People in the queer community use “gender bender” as a positive way to describe themselves, “Butch” is used by lesbians to describe other lesbians who are quite masculine in appearance.

When I was still in first grade, an 11-year-old girl in my class began to be called “him” or “they.”

Soon after, many others were doing the same. I felt like I was participating because I looked cool.

Saying you’re transgender or nonbinary gets special treatment, and when you “come out,” you suddenly become the center of attention.

As soon as a girl says she is a boy, her name is changed in the school register and students are told to use the boy’s name of their choice.

Currently, out of 200 students in my grade, at least 20 say they are transgender. Almost all are boys or girls who claim to be nonbinary. There is one boy saying it’s a girl, but this is mostly girls saying it’s a boy. Kids my age wouldn’t say they’re lesbian or gay.

Since a straight boy is dating a straight girl and she says she’s transgender, I have to say he’s bisexual. Schoolmates often tell me that transgender girls are “better” girls than “other girls.” I find this insulting. But when teachers hear such conversations, they take no action.

A lot of breast restraints are also done, but I don't know who might be taking puberty blockers.

A lot of breast restraints are also done but no one talks about what students are writing so I don’t know who is taking puberty blockers

Recently, when I was watching the news with my friend, Changes to Scottish Gender Recognition Law Every time a guest on the show said, “This is a threat to gender rights,” my friends would mock and laugh. I felt like girls had no rights and were not respected at my school.

There is constant talk of transphobia and prejudice, with many students who say they are transgender constantly saying they are “victims” and that non-transgender people are the perpetrators.

Coming out as a lesbian or gay doesn’t have the same effect, but in my experience most students don’t.

My Friend Kelly* Was Affirmed [accepted without question] She has serious mental health issues and regularly misses school because she self-harms.

Kelly made the social transition without her teachers challenging her. She now has a new name and can use the boys’ changing room. I believe in Girls and boys are referred to as “birth-assigned females” or “birth-assigned males” by teachers and students. This is shortened to AFAB and AMAB.

There are also confusing terms like the term “scoliosexual” which means attracted to nonbinary people. I think it’s silly, but I can’t say that.

A lot of breast restraints are also done, but no one is talking about it so I don’t know who is taking puberty blockers. However, her parents complained that she didn’t want it.

I joined the Equality Club. Because we believe that all people have equal rights. Afterwards, I found it impossible to talk about groups that were discriminated against other than trans people. Wearing badges is prohibited at school, but some students wear transflag and pronoun badges, and no one teaches them.

Recently, our group was looking at the Prime Minister’s question, and when MPs use the terms “birth partner” and “non-birth partner” to talk about maternity care, why do they only say “mother”? Didn’t you say that? I wondered aloud.

I was told by a friend who said not all people with cervix are women. I knew what was going to happen and didn’t want to object.

Up until now, I’ve followed most of it. But there are some things you can’t leave alone. For example, I really like J.K. I was.

I asked why JK was transphobic and this friend couldn’t answer. I was shocked by her anger.

There have also been violent comments about “transphobia” on social media, with school students threatening to strangle them.

That’s why I’m writing this article anonymously, but I think I should be able to say these things without fear of attack.

*The name has been changed.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11729001/What-like-pupil-today-trans-hysteria-grips-schools-One-14-year-old-girl-speaks-out.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490 What it’s like for today’s students to rule school with trance hysteria: A 14-year-old girl speaks out

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