Home Business Why You Should Choose Magento for Your Website

Why You Should Choose Magento for Your Website


There are two versions on the market: Enterprise Edition (commercial version with annual or monthly fees) and Community Edition. We will only consider the free version since we are only comparing them.

Initially, this article was written for version 1.9.3, however, as the CMS develops, I decided to update it and update it a little. Further, the submission of the material will go both as a whole about the system and on the comparison of popular versions 1.9 and 2.1.

At the time of this writing, the most current version is 2.1.7.

Magento benefits

A significant plus of Magento is flexibility in customization, as well as great functionality out of the box. Out of the box, it is available here: multilingualism, multicurrency, the ability to organize a multi-store.

It allows the user to upload products with all data and attributes, including product images. Normal product import makes it fairly easy to upload products to the web portal.

In general, the procedure for adding a product has become much easier. We filled in a couple of fields, added a video or photo, clicked save.

A built-in system called URL Rewrite Management and flexible category customization makes it very easy to manage the structure of your online store. As you probably already guessed from the name, URL Rewrite Management automatically creates redirects for pages whose address has changed.

A huge advantage of ecommerce website development company is the presence of CMS blocks that make up the page, or its elements.

Each product can be tagged here. This can be useful for visitors to search for similar products. Although this CMS implements “Related Products”, which can also be loaded through Magmi, or simply added manually.

The appearance of the product card here depends on the chosen theme. In the standard template, the appearance is simpler, but all the functionality is the same.

It is very comfortable to assign a different design for different pages of an Internet resource. In addition, you can use different templates for different sections or pages, which will help make your online store different from others.

Disadvantages of Magento

The disadvantages include the too high resource intensity of this system. Magento will not work on a simple hosting, and when the number of products exceeds 30,000, a server with a large amount of RAM is guaranteed. Therefore, you need quality hosting for Magento.


In addition, to speed up the loading of pages, it is imperative to fasten the caching system to the Internet resource, configure NGINX well, and optimize the database configuration. This will greatly speed up the work of an Internet resource with bulky topics and a large number of products.

You should choose Magento only if you are going to build a large online store since you can always use a simpler CMS for several thousand products.

Like everyone else, by default, this CMS has five steps to place an order. In the second version, the entire ordering process has been significantly redesigned and simplified, now there are only two steps. If this option is also not suitable, we correct it using a special quick order module.

Magento SEO Optimization

Each product has a full and short description, which makes it possible to easily implement unique descriptions while relying on the attributes of this particular product. In addition, the stock system settings easily allow you to perform deep optimization, set all the necessary meta tags, CNC, and other SEO elements. In general, there will not be any problems with Magento SEO optimization.

Automatic creation of an XML-map of a web resource comes in a box, and what is very important – this map works much faster than on the same OpenCart. You will have access to restrictions on the size of the sitemap, the number of pages in one file. It is possible to prioritize different types of pages. More information on https://elogic.co/services/magento-custom-extension-development/

The system does not have functionality for auto-generating product meta tags. This can be done using a third-party module or a simple template in a spreadsheet.