Home Health X safe and easy ways to disinfect medical instruments

X safe and easy ways to disinfect medical instruments


Sterilization or disinfection of medical instruments is an essential step in treating patients. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has made it compulsory to sterilize medical instruments before using them again on another patient. To pass the regulatory clearance, it is vital to know simple, easy ways to disinfect medical instruments.

In this article, you will know about some safe and easy ways to disinfect medical instruments. Agilent absorption spectroscopy is a great way to clean and disinfect medical instruments. These methods are widely used by professionals, and as per the survey, the methods are easy and working. So, without any further delay , let’s look at the ways to clean your medical instruments.

  1. Steam Sterilization

Steam Sterilization is a process to remove any infectious bacteria from medical instruments by using autoclaves. It is a widely used method recommended by professionals. It is the cheapest and affordable method to remove harmful components in a used medical instrument.

Along with steam sterilization, a decontaminate is used to clear the outer surface of the instrument. You can prevent any form of damage if you wrap the instrument with paper or cotton. However, it is advisable to read the manufacturer’s user manual before using this method.

  1. Dry heat sterilization

 In some instances, steam sterilization does not produce results; this is where dry heat sterilization is used to remove the infection from the medical instruments. Dry heat sterilization is a strong but slow method requiring high temperature and time. Therefore, it is only used in certain medical instruments, which can take the amount of high temperature. Dry sterilization uses more or less than 340 °C to kill microbial bacteria.

  1. Chemical Sterilization

 Chemical Sterilization uses chemical solutions to remove infectious agents from medical instruments. Chemical solutions like ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and bleach are often recommended. Such chemicals have a good amount of power to kill strong infectious pathogens, but they can be harmful to human beings’ health.

  1. Plasma Gas Sterilizers

 Plasma Gas Sterilizers are a method of sterilization, using low-temperature hydrogen peroxide-based gas plasma Inside of a chamber to eliminate microorganisms on mainly dental instruments. Adding hydrogen peroxide to the chamber will sterilize the instrument.

  1. Sterilization Trays

 Sterilization trays are used to sterilize, transport, and store medical scope. The amber lids allow instrument view in a clear manner as well as keeping them protected through the process of sterilization and cleaning.

  1. Sterilization or Disinfection Baskets

 Sterilization or disinfection baskets are affordable, lightweight substitutes for costly sterilization trays. These are made of plastic and polypropylene for transporting, sterilizing, and storing medical tools. The trays are 285 degrees Fahrenheit (F) autoclave and gas plasma sterilized.

  1. Disinfection Spray Guns

 Spray guns are used to clean endoscopes, curettes, cannulas, glassware, and many different instruments before sterilization. The spray cleaner helps eliminate surgical debris and soil from instruments, using pressurized air or water through the spray cleaner connector.

You can set the flow of the spray gun by adjusting the screw behind the gun trigger. The flow rate is pivotal to the pressure applied to the trigger. It can be used with hot water safely.

  1. Washer test kits

 The washer test kits are used to understand the water quality, water temperature, cleaning compatibility of automated washers. They generally comply with AAMI and AORN guidelines for testing that makes it safe.

  1. Cannula Cleaning Brushes

 Cannula Cleaning Brushes are ideally used for special purposes like clinics and hospitals. They are made of stainless steel and nylon for durability. They can be of different lengths and quantities as well.

They help to maintain and clean surgical equipment or instruments and hard surfaces. Good companies often provide well-designed, durable, and reliable cleaning brushes to clean items.

Final Thoughts

 Such instruments mentioned in this article can easily disinfect any harmful agents present in the medical instruments. Professionals highly recommend them to help you clean your medical instruments for obvious purposes.

Let us know in the comments about how the instruments have helped you disinfect the medical instruments and cure your patients! Put down your views and suggest other readers for better options as well?