Home Health Fields of application of Ibogaine in medical practice

Fields of application of Ibogaine in medical practice


The use of “Ibogaine therapy” is often associated with the concept – “the most effective method of treating opiate addiction.”

 But, as practice shows, this technique is extremely effective for other types of addictions, violations and deviations. Actively using it as a means to suppress an uncontrollable craving for alcohol, cocaine, crack, methamphetamines, to interrupt addiction to gambling, in the fight against personal phobias, mental disorders and depression.

 Areas of active use of Ibogaine therapy include:

– addictology and narcology – will help the patient to get rid of drugs, alcohol and come to a conscious decision – to leave the addiction in the past, not to return to them in the future;

– psychiatry – effectively and in a short time will heal from a deep depressive state, help get rid of phobias and internal fears, the neurotic spectrum;

– neurology – restoration of neurotransmitter balance in the treatment of severe chronic neurodegenerative diseases (b. Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis);

– psychotherapeutic practice – a complete deep reboot of consciousness and subconsciousness, purification of the mind, change outlook on life, give a “second wind” for self-realization;

– psychedelic practice – will give a person that rare opportunity to find out the truth about himself, to understand his internal problems, will allow him to consciously look at the mistakes of his own life, thereby rethinking it;

– the influence of Ibogaine on cells – “refreshes” the body, restores the biochemical balance, normalizes the neurophysiological processes of the brain, replenishes energy reserves;

– microdosing, a short course (7-10 days) with daily intake – the strongest psychostimulant, will eliminate fatigue, irritability, apathy, increase overall performance, psychological self-control and stress resistance.

 All of the above brings Ibogaine therapy to a new level of application in multidisciplinary practice – as a unique alternative in comparison with other methods and generally accepted (not always effective) types of traditional treatment. 

Contraindications to use, selection criteria and procedure management

We have all heard more than once about the deaths associated with the use of Ibogainia, which was one of the factors of its prohibition to use. Ibogaine – does not forgive mistakes and negligence, its use, sometimes, can cause more harm than good, leading to irreversible damage and even death of the body.

 Before using Ibogaine, it is worth strictly considering and adhering to:

– compliance with the criteria for selection and exclusion of patients (detailed life history, assessment of the general condition, physical examination, examination of organs and systems, assessment of the mental state, testing for the content of alcohol, drugs and psychoactive substances in the body).

– apply exclusively to a “clean body” (complete cleansing of the body from narcotic, psychotropic substances, medical preparations – complete abstinence at least a week before the intended session of Ibogaine, or preliminary detoxification of the body, until they are completely eliminated – on average 5-7 days).

– exclusion of patients with medical contraindications (acute disorders and / or irreversible liver damage; disorders of the cardiovascular system: acute coronary disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, hypertensive crises, a history of ischemic lesions; impaired filtration functions of the liver and kidneys; organic brain damage, acute mental conditions, dementia; violations of general and biochemical blood parameters; TBC and HIV in an active state; pregnancy).

– preliminary preparation and observation of the patient – 48 hours in the hospital.

– strictly adhere to the protocol of the procedure (dynamic observation and monitoring of the patient; control of the ECG in real time, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, maintenance of water-salt balance, control of secretions).

– individual selection of the type and dose of the substance used (individual sample for each patient, taking into account the% content of pure alkaloid: mg / kg of body weight in recalculation).

 If deviations and contraindications are identified, it is imperative to eliminate their causes and effects, use Ibogaine only after complete stabilization of body functions. If contraindications are identified – refuse the patient in the procedure, thereby you will save his life and your reputation !!!