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How internet has changed our lives  


Today, it is hard for most of us to even imagine our daily lives without the internet. We often start our days by scrolling through the newsor social media and end our days by watching movies via some online platform. In between, we spend the day working on a computer and using various apps for everything from ordering food and looking up information to pure entertainment. Several studies conducted in 2021 showed that it is not at all uncommon for us to spend a third of our waking hours in front of a screen.

The Internet has changed the world of entertainment

Long gone are the days when you had to go to the local casino or arcade to be entertained with casino games and slot machines. Today, you can find lots of different casinos online and logging in only takes a few minutes. All the best online casinos are of course listed on one site, like rahapelit-netissa.com, so you don’t even have to waste time looking for a safe and trustworthy game site.

Remember the days when you had to go to a video rental store to look for a movie to watch over the weekend? Or when we first started streaming movies online and you had to start downloading the movie about 10 hours in advance to have it ready for the evening. If not, then you’re probably too young. Anyway, nowadays not only movies and series are available instantly, but also many other forms of entertainment. Even for those who want to learn a new hobby, whether it’s crocheting, cooking or learning a new language, the web is overflowing with great tutorials, free videos and online courses. Just open your computer or pull your smartphone out of your pocket and get started.

The Internet has changed our social interactions

It is also quite clear that our social behaviours have changed a lot since the internet became available to everyone. First of all, it is faster and easier to contact the people close to us with instant and cost-free calls, and thanks to social media, it is also easier to keep in touch with acquaintances from abroad, distant relatives or old classmates. Since all this is still relatively new, we may not yet know the extent to which it will affect our behaviour over time. Will our face-to-face encounters be replaced by electronic interaction and what kind of stress might be caused when we feel pressured to be constantly available throughout our waking hours?

It’s easier than ever to perform our daily tasks

It’s not just our jobs that have become easier to manage with the help of the internet and computers. Modern technology also facilitates other daily tasks that we may not even think about. Especially in recent years, we have spent more time at home than ever before due to the pandemic and several new online platforms have been created for ordering goods or services to be delivered at home. Nowadays, for example, we don’t even have to get up from the couch to order food. We even get to choose whether we want them in the form of groceries or ready-made meals from a restaurant. In addition to all this, we can naturally also use the internet to carry out errands such as paying bills, booking appointments and buying travel tickets.

Online shopping is the new normal

Last but not least, our shopping behaviour has changed dramatically over the last 20 years. Today, ordering home items online is so quick and convenient that many consumers prefer this form of shopping. Moreover, there is an endless variety of products to choose from and it is easy to browse and compare different items and prices. The development of highly secure payment and delivery methods has changed our shopping behaviour forever.

Everything can be done online these days

Most of us probably agree that the internet is amazing and makes our lives easier. It gives us freedom and flexibility and fast access to information. Have you noticed how suddenly everything can be done online? And by that we mean everything! Our work, our relationships and our hobbies. But some people are concerned that it also might make us less intelligent. We don’t need to memorise things and learn by heart anymore – all the necessary information can be found online, with just a few clicks. We are constantly exposed to so much information that it can be difficult to focus and really take it all in. There are theories that this can interfere with both our ability to concentrate and our learning. A number of studies have been done on this, but luckily most of them have come to the conclusion that it has no noticeable impact on our brain or cognitive functions.

The internet has only been around for a bit over 30 years. During the first ten yearsit was expensive to use and connectivity was poor – so not many people had access to using the web in the way we do today. However, it is clear that the internet has changed our lives dramatically in the time it has been around. For the most part in a positive way, but possibly with some downsides.