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Reliance on outdated maps slows municipal flood plans

Some municipalities still rely on outdated paper maps as severe storms mock flood plans. Mark Ellis.

Entire towns and cities seem to be trapped in more frequent and severe floods. Nevertheless, development continues as normal. Abnormal weather and sea level rise due to climate changeSome municipalities use online mapping while others still use old paper maps.

Repeated floods in eastern Australia Australian Planning Institute Call for a framework to update flood maps to account for climate change.

Flood maps show flooded areas based on risk modeling and historical weather data. These maps are necessary not only for identifying areas at risk for land use planning, but also for flood response. The problem with static flood maps is that they don’t show important details of the hazards that floods pose.

City councils are obliged to provide flood maps that accurately identify dangerous and safe areas. However, existing information on river and coastal flood risk was ‘vague and outdated’. the institute said.

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For many flood-hit communities, the immediate priority is responding to emergencies. But we must not lose sight of how urban planning has affected them and the urgent need for a planning framework to keep up with the impacts of climate change.

who is responsible?

The floods have highlighted the glacial pace of adaptation to climate change by planning frameworks at all levels of government.

For example, the New South Wales Government Direction of land prone to flooding The law, which came into force in July 2021, still adheres to state principles. Floodplain Development Manual Since 2005, it has advocated for development on floodplains.

Dysfunctional relations between different levels of government also continue.victorian premiere Dan Andrews Flood mapping is primarilylocal government issues“. NSW Premier Dominic Perrotet debated nature versus man at publication Walls of Warragamba Dam, Sydney’s largest, rise.

Home insurance scare escalates without fairer business model

As the effects of climate change continue, home insurance could become more equitable for those whose homes are at risk of flooding and fire.

Those on the front lines of the flood see things differently.

The mayor of Wollondilly, southwest of Sydney, Said:

of National climate resilience and adaptation strategies2012 Australian Government Council (COAG) The report outlines roles and responsibilities for adaptation at three levels of government.

The strategy states:

Local councils are therefore considered to play an important role in adaptation at the local level. But how do cash-strapped local governments manage the ongoing damage to infrastructure and the legacy of development in a region hit by an overheated weather system?

It is a heritage connected to $7 billion insurance claims From the last 18 months of floods, storms and cyclones.

Avoiding the Next New South Wales Flood Crisis

With floods hitting New South Wales, it’s clear that governments can step up their preparedness.

Flood Mapping Policy

The issue of flood mapping is complicated by the level of political certainty associated with ownership. The council is wary of upsetting voters and taxpayers to see assets devalued by flood ratings. For example, when the Gold Coast Council released his 2018 updated flood map, caused uproar among residents.

On the central coast of New South Wales, the local council has completed a flood study, concluding that large areas of residential land will be flooded as a result of rising sea levels in the coming decades. However, the council has removed the option to withdraw or buy the property after pressure from residents.they Preferred indication Embankment, wall, building lifting etc. The Council should secure additional funds to cover the costs of such action.

Meanwhile, Seymour’s planned embankment met with community opposition due to concerns over loss of river views, access and habitat.This allows the local council abandon embankment To protect homes and businesses currently flooded.

need to plan for the long term

Current approaches to flood mitigation are not viable long-term strategies. More development on floodplains means more property damage when floods occur. Population growth is also straining emergency services and evacuation routes.

Even before the recent floods, the Australian Insurance Council (ICA) issued a statement, Building a more resilient Australia.

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An official report has laid bare the devastation inflicted on Australia and how important it is for us to change course now.

CEO of ICA Andrew Hall said:

If the insurance industry understands that, why is the government continuing to allow new development in high-risk areas? Some believe that development of these areas is necessary. Some believe it is intertwined with the lobbying efforts of the development industry. Also, some municipalities are seeking toll revenue and fear costly lawsuits for rejected development applications.

The bigger question, then, is how do governments address the climate risks of flooding and urban development within the framework of their plans? Regional and state plans are drafted and submitted for public consultation. , re-drafting and taking a long time to be approved.

New times require new approaches

Climate change presents thorny problems for communities, governments and urban planning. More extreme weather patterns are becoming increasingly severe as ice sheets melt, sea levels rise and climate factors change. Threats to the fabric of our society.

The planning framework must adapt to the climate crisis. This requires a land-use approach that keeps people and property away from dangerous floodplains.

Mark Ellis An environmental planner with experience in urban development and urban design. He holds qualifications in Environmental Science, Urban Planning and Sustainable Environment and is an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Planning.

The original publisher of this article was conversation under Title “Some municipalities still rely on outdated paper maps as severe storms mock flood plans.”

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